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Attachment When children feel safe and secure, they explore the world more fully, manage their emotions, build meaningful relationships and view the world in a generally positive light.

Research shows that a secure attachment with a supportive, caring adult can help children cope effectively with many of life’s difficulties and challenges.

This session will explore the importance of ensuring that children feel safe and secure, and how this will affect your services.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Building Children's Self Esteem

A quality program for children will invariably be linked to the way it nurtures and creates a positive sense of self for those within it. Building self esteem within a sensitive and authentic context is a necessary skill for educators.

All development and learning will be influenced by how the child perceives themselves. Not only is it important that we allow children to see themselves as competent learners, but that they also see themselves as valuable members of the social group.

In this interactive session we will examine how our relationships and our environments send important messages to children which in turn can build positive self esteem and develop a firm and wholehearted sense of belief in themselves.

Learning Outcomes

  • To help children build self esteem within a sensitive and authentic context.
  • To identify the importance of assisting children to see themselves as valuable members of a social group.
  • To assist children to build a positive image of themselves.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1 & 3

Caring for and Nurturing Babies Learn to listen to babies/infants cues and needs. Babies grow and learn faster than they will at any other stage of life, so what they do will be continually changing. Learn to listen and observe babies to truly give babies the opportunities to learn and do. Join us to unravel the wonders of babies/infants.. Discover how you too can provide appropriate, stimulating learning environments for babies/infants.

Learning Outcomes

  • To develop and understanding of the physical and emotional needs of infants.
  • To understand how to provide appropriate, stimulating environments for infants.

Designed for: Untrained Educators. All service types

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 1 & 3

Health and Safety, Leadership, Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Celebrating diversity in the team

Take a look at what culture is and ways we can define this, appropriate interactions and customs we must use , practicing patience, using humor, looking at differences from alternative perceptions, being prepared to make mistakes, learning to be an ally, getting to know individuals, listening to others stories, asking questions, making an overall effort and being sincere.

Via identifying the needs of our culturally diverse co-workers and families, we can plan, ahead and gain an understanding of the importance of cultural consultation and support networks.

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise various cultures in your team
  • To explore methods of utilising culture as a strength within your team
  • To develop strategies to be culturally safe and inclusive for all team members

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1, 4 & 7

EYLF Practices and Principles

Health and Safety, Leadership, Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Conflict in the Workplace

Discover the common foundations built around conflict situations, why we can and do argue, difficulties we face when dealing with conflict and how we can personally adapt and accommodate this within our job role and responsibilities.

Learn strategies and the utilisation of specific steps we can undertake when we are dealing with conflict and important elements we should and shouldn’t implement to ensure best possible outcomes and relationships within the workplace. Learning Outcomes

  • To identify the key elements in conflict in the workplace
  • To explore conflict resolution techniques and when to use them
  • To recognise the leaders role in conflict resolution in the workplace

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Practices and Principles

Development, EYLF
Develop Confident and Involved Learners

This interactive session will examine the processes children use to develop understandings of themselves and their world and how children construct their own learning strategies. In a supportive learning environment children are given the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning, choices and contributions to their world.

Through hands on active investigation children are able to develop strategies and nature of learning and are able to constantly build on and adapt what they learn to suit a variety of contexts and situations. This session will explore how early childhood educators can provide environments that instil a love of learning, support children’s learning styles and reinforce the value of hands on exploration and play in facilitating confident and involved learning.

Participants will be encouraged to consider how children learn, and how through keen observation and documentation this learning can be made visible to children and families.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the process by which children develop their own understanding of themselves and “their” world.
  • To assist children to build on and adapt what they learn to suit a variety of contexts and situations.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 5

EYLF Outcome: 4

Development, EYLF
Documentation with Respect

The National Early Years Learning Framework for Australia has highlighted the importance of making learning visible via a variety of methods which collectively is referred to as documentation. This focus on documentation rather than “observation” has opened up possibilities to go deeper with examining the many ways children express their understandings and learning.

Documentation includes expressing children’s own goals and describing much more than what is just seen. It brings the child to the centre of our curriculum where we look at the strengths and uniqueness of each individual as well as their learning within the social context.

The five key learning outcomes provide educators with key points of reference against which children’s progress can be documented and shared with children, families and other professionals. Respectful documentation is child centred, reflects children’s strengths and interests, and incorporates all relevant stakeholders in the reflection of learning that is occurring and has occurred within our settings.

Educators who are interested in reflecting the EYLF, and developing their skills in noticing and writing respectful and meaningful documentation will benefit by attending this interactive session as we examine the possibilities of making children’s learning visible in our programs.

Learning Outcomes

  • To focus on documentation rather than observation.
  • To understand the importance of incorporating children’s own goals when documenting learning.
  • To examine the possibilities of making children’s learning visible in your programs.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Program Planning, Development
Engaging Learning Environments

When we thoughtfully and purposefully choose individual resources to construct rich learning environments the result is a place where children thrive as they play, learn and discover. Careful planning of the aesthetic environment will promote positivity about the environment and will consider the use of colour, light, design and space; a reflection of cultural heritage; and uncluttered space. Open-ended experiences including natural materials such as sand, water and mud as well as artefacts and tools that enable children to explore, investigate, problem solve and represent their understanding will feature in the engaging learning environment. Join us to explore how you can make your learning environments engaging too!

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to set up experiences in a way that is open ended, attractive, and stimulating.
  • To be able to use your own creativity, imagination and resourcefulness, to enhance children’s play
  • To engage children in their play

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Evolving Social and Emotional Development Evolving Social and Emotional Development The key to any child's learning and development is explicitly linked to their self identity and picture of themselves as competent learners. What messages the environment sends on an emotional and social level can greatly effect this perception. As early childhood workers it is important to consider how our program can respond to this and provide opportunities for children to gain a positive self identity, competency and knowledge in order to reach their optimum potential. This interactive session will look at a socio-cultural perspective and its relationship to the evolving social and emotional development of the children from birth through to school age.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 2 & 5

EYLF Outcome: 3

Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Exploring Art

Creating art is a fine way for children to make choices and solve problems. Every step involves deciding what colour to use, how to make a line, what size to make something. With every choice the object becomes more and more their own.

Join this session to learn about the importance of creative arts and how to expose children to a variety of materials so that they can create art.

Learning Outcomes

  • To find out about a range of creative mediums and how to use them in your curriculum.
  • To explore the educators role in supporting children creative efforts

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Program Planning, Development
Exploring the Outdoor Environment

This online workshop aims to highlight the intrinsic value of outdoor play whilst exploring a range of stimulating discussion topics.

So if you're looking for some new ideas, and/or some help with a specific problem you're experiencing relating to the great outdoors, then get ready to 'get down and get dirty'! Come and join us explore the outdoor environment.

Learning Outcomes

  • To discover the value of outdoor play
  • To gain some creative ideas in providing creative outdoor experiences.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 3

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Extending on Effective Interactions Hopefully by now you would have had the opportunity to participate in the online program "Interacting effectively with Children ". This online workshop extends on interacting effectively with children, with an integral focus on collaborating with children's interests. Learn to interact through another dimension, by learning some workplace strategies to ensure your interactions are effective and consistent.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,2

Program Planning, Development
Focusing on Over 3's

Children over three are a lot of fun! They often spend a lot of time watching and exploring everything around them and enjoy hands on experiences.
At this age children also want to take on responsibility and please you and do things “right.” A diverse range of personalities, abilities and interests can sometimes be challenging, when catering for such an active age group who strive for independence.

Come and join in this workshop to gain some useful ideas for promoting children’s responsibility, developing positive behaviour and planning fun and exciting experiences that will keep them motivated to learn and development as individuals!

Ideal for:Trained Child Care Workers

Quality Area:1

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Program Planning, Development
Focusing on Under 3's

Early childhood is a precious time in life. We have the joy of watching children discover and learn about the world around them. Under the age of three is a very busy time of increasing independence and curiosity. They learn through interactions with people, active exploration and movement. Through these they quickly develop confidence, skills and knowledge.

It’s important to develop trusting and positive relationships with children so they can feel safe and secure on their journey through childhood. Positive guidance, communication and interactions are an important part of this process. Come and join in the voyage for some practical solutions and idea’s to working with children under three.

Ideal for:Trained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Program Planning, Development
Forming Friendships - Peer and Play

Building relationships and learning about friendships is an important part of the early childhood experience for young children.

As we acknowledge the importance of the social context on children’s healthy development, we can begin to appreciate the importance of planning and facilitating a wide range of experiences that encourage children’s interactions and connections to each other.

What skills does the child need? How can we support a healthy view of friendship? This interactive workshop will explore how early childhood professionals can enhance and support children as they navigate their way through the friendship terrain.

Ideal for:Trained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 1,2

Behaviour, Program Planning, Development
Group Times Made Easy Group times are a way of connecting children together be it formally in a planned group session, or spontaneously when the moment presents itself. This workshop will examine the purpose of bringing children together in groups and the power these times have on children’s overall development. Through these times spent together both caregiver and child build the bonds of a strong relationship to each other through sharing stories, songs, ideas and feelings. This interactive online session will inspire you to provide creative and wonderful group times for all children.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the value of planning group time experiences
  • To develop an awareness of what determines a successful group time experience .

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1, 4, 5

Program Planning, Development, NEW
Intentional teaching - learning how

Intentional teaching is deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful! It cannot be confused with a theme based programming approach. Intentionality utilizes professional knowledge and strategies that reflect contemporary theories and research concerning children’s play, leisure and learning.

Learn how to make use of spontaneous teachable moments which extend children’s learning!

Learn how to comment on children’s displays of learning dispositions, by providing encouragement and additional ideas and support to children!

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise purposeful teaching moments.
  • To identify the importance of spontaneous teachable moments.
  • To understand the significance of encouragement.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4

Interacting Effectively with Children - Part 1 Anyone can ''talk'' to children. But only a true advocate of children can communicate and interact effectively with children. Come along and rediscover communication strategies that will assist in effective interactions with all age groups of children. Learn how to promote positive behaviours by the way you interact with children. Identify times when it is acceptable to stand back and listen to children. Above all, have the opportunity to discuss common strategies to further improve the way you interact effectively with children.

Ideal for: Untrained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Program Planning, Development
Keeping Children Challenged

One of the challenges that early childhood educators face is developing and implementing challenging and innovative programs that enhance children's curiosity and desire for learning. As many of the children we care for have been part of our services for much of their lives, it becomes increasingly necessary to find ways to extend and challenge their skills and abilities with a balance of familiar and new experiences.

To do this, we need to consider children as capable of directing their own learning and work in real collaboration with them. By collaborating with children we are able to provide authentic learning experiences that will be both challenging and enriching. Samples of some approaches may be Reggio Emilia, Steiner, and the Project approach as well as many other models available for consideration.

We are inviting you to join this interactive workshop where we will discuss the range of options we have for keeping children challenged through a collaborative approach as well as explore a range of early childhood programs that will enable us to take an eclectic approach to our programming taking in the best aspects of a wide range of options and integrating these with our own service requirements.

Learning Outcomes

  • To enhance children’s curiosity and desire for further learning.
  • To identify the importance of listening to children and collaborating to enhance learning opportunities.
  • To explore a range of approaches to assist in the development of thought-provoking experiences for children.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome 4 & 5

Leadership, Behaviour, Development
Managing Children's Behaviour There are no magic answers or secret remedies to make a child behave appropriately. There are however some techniques that will help to teach a child more acceptable behaviours. It is important that the educators involved with young children have the skills and knowledge to implement behaviour management techniques.

Managing challenging behaviours can be stressful on both educators and children alike. Join in this session and discover some practical techniques that will enhance your own strategies when dealing with challenging behaviours.

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise techniques which will assist children to learn positive behaviour strategies.
  • To enhance educator skills in dealing with challenging behaviours.

Ideal for: All Qualified/Trained educators

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4

Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Music and Movement Music and movement are inside each child. All caregivers do is let them out. That is good news for those of us who are not gifted in these areas. It tells us that all we need to do is encourage, not "teach" music and movement. In this online session, we will share some ideas that may help you "let the music out."

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Behaviour, Program Planning, Development
New room - New ideas!

Children are born with the need to explore. They investigate their world through play.

As facilitators of children’s play, educators must ensure that learning environments are designed and implemented to collaborate and engage children in meaningful play and exploration.

Open your mind to creativity, imagination and resourcefulness; create aesthetically pleasing engaging environments for children of all ages.

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to set up experiences in a way that is open ended, attractive, and stimulating.
  • To be able to use your own creativity, imagination and resourcefulness, to enhance children’s play.
  • To extend play experiences by engaging children in their play.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Program Planning, Development
Open Ended Experiences The provision of open-ended experiences acknowledges children as competent and capable learners who are able to direct their own learning and make meanings. Open-ended experiences include natural materials such as sand, water and mud as well as artefacts and tools that enable children to explore, investigate, problem solve and represent their understanding.

This session will explore the value of open ended experiences, and what a positive impact this will make when developing a program for children. It will include many visual photographs of open ended experiences.

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise the importance of open ended play opportunities for children of all ages
  • To gain an understanding of how effective open play experiences affect your day to day routine

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development

Planning for an Anti-Bias Curriculum Planning for an anti-bias curriculum, promotes positive attitudes towards diversity and to counter stereotypes and discrimination. It is evident that young children notice diversity, that they make evaluative judgements about differences and that they develop biases from a young age.

Join the discussion in this session about the importance of planning and implementing an anti-bias curriculum.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify the importance as an educator to promote positive attitudes towards diversity.
  • To include an anti-bias approach within program planning experiences.
  • Designed for: All educators. All service types

    Quality Area: 1 & 3

    EYLF Outcome: 1, 3 & 6

Recognising opportunity for Language and Literacy

Early experiences with language establish parameters of interaction. Playing with sounds, words and meanings is an exciting part of developing language proficiency. In this session learn how you as educator promote language learning through: listening to children; engaging in conversations and creating language-rich environments.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore a range of opportunities which promote language and literacy.
  • To create language-rich learning environments.
  • To To gain confidence as an educator to enhance children’s attempts of language and literacy.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1, 2 & 4

Miscellaneous, Development
School Readiness

The transition from early childhood services to school can be a time of great stress for parents and children alike. Parents often look to early childhood professionals for advice. Alternatively, for some early childhood professionals it can be difficult to express differing views to parents when they feel a child is or is not ready for this transition.

This session will examine the key indicators of school readiness and look at strategies for providing parents with the necessary information to make appropriate decisions about a child’s transition to school.

Learning Outcomes

  • For educators to assist children in the transition to school readiness
  • For educators to assist families in the transition to school readiness
  • To understand how to provide a learning environment which is enriched in school readiness experiences

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4 & 5

Step Out of the Book Reading stories is both one of the simplest and quickest ways of establishing a happy relationship between the reader/teller and children. The biggest difference between child audiences and adult audiences is that young children let you know immediately how you're doing. If you're not connecting with them, they squirm, interrupt, or get up and leave. Come and find out how to plan a successful and enjoyable story time, where children settle into comfortable positions and gaze at you in rapt adoration.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area:1

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Program Planning, Development
Supporting Children with Additional Needs

Every child has the right to feel safe, secure and supported in their Early Childhood setting. By catering for individual children’s needs and by treating each child with respect, you are setting an example of inclusion. It is important that you have a strong understanding of each child’s interest, strengths and needs, so that you can provide a responsive curriculum and identify any areas requiring extra support and attention.

This session is aimed to support the actions and attitudes that may be faced with situations of children with additional needs

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to support with individual children and their families to meet their inclusion needs
  • To explore the educators role in providing an inclusive environment

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3 &4

Leadership, Behaviour, Miscellaneous, Development
Supporting Children with Autism It may seem that more and more young children are now being diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Whether mild or high-functioning, children affected often find it difficult to communicate, both linguistically and socially, and have difficulty with imaginative play and flexibility. Children may also go through times of acute stress and experience ‘melt-downs’.

This session will outline the different kinds of Autism Spectrum Disorders, how to recognise symptoms and more importantly how to support both children and their families.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the importance of supporting children with autism
  • To understand the importance of supporting educators ideas, strategies and knowledge

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1,3 & 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,2 & 3

Terrific Two's - Working with Toddlers Some carers associate 2-year-old children with tantrums, defiance, and getting into everything. But the 2-year-old is also in the midst of one of the most significant transitions in the human life cycle. This workshop provides a guide for carers to help them understand the nature and course of the child's development and behaviour at the 2-year-old stage and change this time into one of the most successful periods in the carer-child relationship.

Ideal for: Untrained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1 & 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4

Program Planning, Development
The Inclusion of Children with Additional Needs

Every child has the right to feel safe, secure and supported in their Early Childhood setting. By catering for individual children’s needs and by treating each child with respect, you are setting an example of inclusion. It is important that you have a strong understanding of each child’s interest, strengths and needs, so that you can provide a responsive curriculum and identify any areas requiring extra support and attention.

This session is aimed to support the actions and attitudes that may be faced with situations of children with additional needs

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to support with individual children and their families to meet their inclusion needs
  • To explore the educators role in providing an inclusive environment

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3 &4

The Value of Play Experiences A successful learning environment, recognises the value of play in the promotion of children’s learning and development. This session will look at both planned and spontaneous play experiences that look at the child in a holistic manner, which recognises the importance of creative and child-initiated play, to develop a child’s self esteem. Play experiences that we will be focusing on, include the value of commonly planned experiences such as the value of play-dough; clay; drawing; painting; water play; home corner; books; puzzles, and whatever play experiences interest the enrolees.

Ideal for:Trained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3,4

Understanding Infant Learning The period from birth to one year is a time when infants learn a great deal. Infants develop through the exploration of their senses of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing to make sense of the world. Re-discover the wonders of planning for infants; remembering that babies learn best by being given physical and emotional attention by carers to meet their individual needs. Learn how to be imaginative in infant planning.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore the importance of understanding infants’ senses
  • To discover infant planning requirements through the awareness of physical and emotional needs

Designed for: All Qualified and Trained educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3 &4

Health and Safety, Leadership, Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Working with Conflict Resolution Join other child care professionals to discuss practical information to assist in helping children to resolve their conflicts with each other. We will identify how conflicts can be the beginning of something new and good! By children talking, listening and working things out together, peace can be protected.

“It takes two to work together, but it also takes two to fight. And often, it only takes one to begin the first step towards a peaceful solution. (Scholes & Ingpen, 1989)

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4

Working with Pre-schoolers

Typically, four and five year olds are full or energy, eagerness and curiosity. During these years motor skills are being perfected and creativity and imagination come into everything, from dramatic play to artwork.<

With extensive vocabulary, and the ability to express ideas, solve problems and think ahead, pre-schoolers have a strong sense of self and strive for independence.

This session will give those who work with pre-school children, the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and confidence across all the pre-schooler’s developmental domains, offering practical suggestions when working with pre-school aged children.

Ideal for: Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers.

Quality Area:1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3,4,5

Working within OSHC Programs
Middle childhood is an important period when children develop a sense of who they are, what they can do and how others perceive them. It is a time when the focus of their daily lives is on school and their self esteem is closely tied to school success.

Join this session to discuss characteristics of children during middle childhood, to further help in your understanding of the children in your care. Come along and discuss behaviour guidance strategies when working with school aged children; as well as share ideas about exciting recreational environments.

Ideal for: Untrained OSHC Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3,4,5