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Special Presentation - Doing culture - Beyond Chopsticks and Music - with Anthony Semann Do you struggle with exploring authentic and meaningful ways of incorporating cultural diversity into you educational program? Traditional ways of exploring cultural aspects of identity have boarded on tokenistic and fall short of reflecting the real ways in which culture operate. We can actually move beyond chopsticks and music however where might this take us? In this online session Anthony will venture in cultural practices which speak to peoples existence as well as unravel some of the myths of culture in early childhood education
Are you still settling children - Need help forming relationships

All children deserve to know and feel that others care about them, know them well and are genuinely interested in what they do, think and feel. In this session you will discover how to build close, secure relationships with children of all ages, abilities, genders and backgrounds.

Come along to learn and discuss strategies and techniques to extend and build on children’s comments and conversations which form respectful and equitable relationships.

Learning Outcomes

  • To discover how to build close, secure relationships with children of all ages, abilities, genders and backgrounds.
  • To identify strategies and techniques to extend and build on children’s conversations.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 2

Program Planning
Assessment for Learning

An assessment for learning ensures that educational programs and practices are inspiring and engaging to enhance children’s learning and development.

You may rethink how you plan for children’s learning, and identify that in fact children’s current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests form your foundation to extend on children’s learning.

As an educator, this session will assist you to measure children’s learning.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the importance of accurately assessing children's learning
  • To be able to focus on documenting children's learning.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4

Attachment When children feel safe and secure, they explore the world more fully, manage their emotions, build meaningful relationships and view the world in a generally positive light.

Research shows that a secure attachment with a supportive, caring adult can help children cope effectively with many of life’s difficulties and challenges.

This session will explore the importance of ensuring that children feel safe and secure, and how this will affect your services.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Belonging Being and Becoming - where are we now

Belonging, Being & Becoming

WOW! 11 years on - 2 July 2009, when COAG endorsed the Early Years Learning Framework! How much have you grown as an educator over this time? How much growth have you seen at your service? Take this opportunity to revisit the fundamentals of the EYLF through Belonging; Being and Becoming..

Learning Outcomes

  • For educators to experience the sense of Belonging.
  • For educators to understand the importance of Being.
  • For educators to enhance the future of Becoming.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3,4 & 5


Beyond blu-tac, strings on ceilings and dirty easels: Why aesthetics matter? With Anthony Semann So did the title get your attention? Did it make you stop and think? Did it strike a cord with you? Then perhaps this is the online course for you. We will take a journey through aesthetics, environments, and learning spaces. Environments do matter and children are able to read the state of the indoor and outdoor environment. We will in our time together take a journey and debate the often undebatable topic of beauty and aesthetics. Cost $75 Please note: Special Presentations are not included in individual Annual Service Memberships.
Building a Strong Sense of Identity

Building a strong sense of identity focuses on the importance of understanding how children construct and develop their own sense of who they are and how they develop a sense belonging within the family and community.

It will examine the importance of early experiences in relation to this. The connection between the vision, belonging, being, and becoming and the shaping of one’s identity will be discussed, and the areas of attachment, social and cultural heritage, evolving experiences and positive relationship building will be explored.

Educators will be encouraged to reflect on their own knowledge, beliefs and values, as well as critically examining documentation and the provisions within programs.

Learning Outcomes

  • For educators to understand how children develop a sense of who they are.
  • To assist children to develop a sense of belonging within the family and community.
  • For educators to reflect on their own knowledge, beliefs and values.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1

Building bridges and lighting fires

In every workplace there are some relationships that can be more difficult to manage. Personalities, attitudes and beliefs all play a significant role in why we may find others challenging and hard to get along with. This workshop focuses on learning strategies to deal with difficult people and reflecting on ourselves and the way we react to these people. Participants will learn ways to deal with others who have created fires (upsets, negativity) in the workplace and built a bridge (barrier) seemingly impossible to return from to work alongside the team.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore why difficult relationships can develop in the early childhood setting
  • To identify specific communication techniques to use when dealing with difficult people.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4 + 7

EYLF Outcome:Principles and practices

Building Children's Self Esteem

A quality program for children will invariably be linked to the way it nurtures and creates a positive sense of self for those within it. Building self esteem within a sensitive and authentic context is a necessary skill for educators.

All development and learning will be influenced by how the child perceives themselves. Not only is it important that we allow children to see themselves as competent learners, but that they also see themselves as valuable members of the social group.

In this interactive session we will examine how our relationships and our environments send important messages to children which in turn can build positive self esteem and develop a firm and wholehearted sense of belief in themselves.

Learning Outcomes

  • To help children build self esteem within a sensitive and authentic context.
  • To identify the importance of assisting children to see themselves as valuable members of a social group.
  • To assist children to build a positive image of themselves.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1 & 3

Leadership, NEW

Calling all Educators, Co-ordinators and Staff Members...

If you are an educator, co-ordinator or staff member, do you convey mutual respect, equity and recognition of others’ strengths and skills? These staffing relationships are the foundation in developing warm, respectful relationships with children and families.

This session will help you to identify your own strengths as well as those of your colleagues; share your thoughts and listen to practical strategies to get the best out of yourself and the team around you.

Learning Outcomes

  • To learn how to convey mutual respect, equity and recognition of others’ strengths and skills.
  • To explore the value of developing genuine relationships with others.
  • To identify your own strengths as a valued member of the team.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4

EYLF Outcome: 1

Leadership, Miscellaneous
Calling all team members

A strong cohesive team is the cornerstone to success in any workplace. Whether you are a team member at your service, a leader who is responsible for a group of educators or the owner of your service, there are things you can do to make the teams in your workplace stronger and in turn your service a less stressful, and a more enjoyable and productive place to spend the day.

We will explore how you ensure your workplace atmosphere resembles that of a caring community of professionals where mutual support and appreciation abound as well as considering how your confidence in your own ability to think and cope with the everyday challenges of working within children’s services influence your teams esteem.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the value of teamwork and a strong team on your day to day operations.
  • To identify what makes strong teams as well as your own strengths as a valued member of the team.
  • • To learn how to convey mutual respect, equity and recognition of others’ strengths and skills.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Principles and Practices

Caring for and Nurturing Babies Learn to listen to babies/infants cues and needs. Babies grow and learn faster than they will at any other stage of life, so what they do will be continually changing. Learn to listen and observe babies to truly give babies the opportunities to learn and do. Join us to unravel the wonders of babies/infants.. Discover how you too can provide appropriate, stimulating learning environments for babies/infants.

Learning Outcomes

  • To develop and understanding of the physical and emotional needs of infants.
  • To understand how to provide appropriate, stimulating environments for infants.

Designed for: Untrained Educators. All service types

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 1 & 3

Health and Safety, Leadership, Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Celebrating diversity in the team

Take a look at what culture is and ways we can define this, appropriate interactions and customs we must use , practicing patience, using humor, looking at differences from alternative perceptions, being prepared to make mistakes, learning to be an ally, getting to know individuals, listening to others stories, asking questions, making an overall effort and being sincere.

Via identifying the needs of our culturally diverse co-workers and families, we can plan, ahead and gain an understanding of the importance of cultural consultation and support networks.

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise various cultures in your team
  • To explore methods of utilising culture as a strength within your team
  • To develop strategies to be culturally safe and inclusive for all team members

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1, 4 & 7

EYLF Practices and Principles

Health and Safety, Leadership, Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Conflict in the Workplace

Discover the common foundations built around conflict situations, why we can and do argue, difficulties we face when dealing with conflict and how we can personally adapt and accommodate this within our job role and responsibilities.

Learn strategies and the utilisation of specific steps we can undertake when we are dealing with conflict and important elements we should and shouldn’t implement to ensure best possible outcomes and relationships within the workplace. Learning Outcomes

  • To identify the key elements in conflict in the workplace
  • To explore conflict resolution techniques and when to use them
  • To recognise the leaders role in conflict resolution in the workplace

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Practices and Principles

Connecting Children with the World This session will target specific training and dialogue around the effect of experiences and relationships that assist children to make connections to their world.

The relationship this has to the vision of the National Early Years Learning Framework in terms of belonging, being and becoming will be examined as part of a holistic approach to children’s overall learning and development. Early childhood services who provide children with opportunities to interact together and more broadly within their communities allow children to gain important skills and feelings of validity, experience interdependency, and build on their own self identity.

The session will provide a forum where participants can reflect on their current practices in relation to connectivity and share and extend on ways to further enhance children’s contributions and connections to their world.

The session will look at diversity, social responsiveness, fairness and justice and how we can provide programs that allow children to explore and experience this.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers All Service types

Quality Area:1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 2

Considering Children's Agency

Having agency means “being able to make choices and decisions to influence events and to have an impact on one’s world.” (Early Years Learning Framework, p. 45). As educators, we need to provide children with the skills, knowledge and resources, including equipment, time and space, they need to develop a sense of agency. Children will thrive when they realise that they can make their own decisions and to control their own learning and development. Join us as we explore how we can use the environment, the curriculum and the routine to support children's agency.

Learning Outcomes

  • To gain an understanding of what agency is and why it is Important for children.
  • To understand the Educator role in providing for children's agency.
  • To explore how children's agency Influences your environment, curriculum and routines.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1 & 4

Cultural Competence - Celebrations and Festivities

The sensitive inclusion of religion and celebrations into children’s services can be an enriching experience for children, staff and families. Celebrations bring people together and create feelings of community and belonging. Emphasis is placed on ways celebrations and religions can be acknowledged in a manner which offers families choices about whether, or how much they want to participate in such events.

Let’s work together to establish a respectful approach to celebrations and festivities.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore the understanding of cultural competence.
  • To establish respectful approaches to celebrations and festivities
  • To celebrate celebrations and festivities which bring the community together.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1 & 2

Program Planning
Curriculum Possibilities

Are you finding that our extreme unpredictable weather is affecting the way you plan for your children? The Australian environment is known for its changeable weather and at times extreme circumstances. During this time, much of program planning is bought into the indoor environment to avoid the outdoor extremities.

Join this interactive session to discover the wonder of bringing the outdoors in! We will look at inviting and natural ways to enhance indoor play when outside conditions limit outdoor play.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify weather conditions that affect planning opportunities for children.
  • To use weather conditions as examples of environment and science to help children understand.
  • To discover exciting ways to plan exciting experiences regardless of weather limitations.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 2, 4

Dealing with Difficult People

In every workplace there are some relationships that can be more difficult to manage. Personalities, attitudes and beliefs all play a significant role in why we may find others challenging and hard to get along with. This workshop focuses on learning strategies to deal with difficult people and reflecting on ourselves and the way we react to these people. Participants will come away with increased confidence in handling even the most heated disagreements.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore why difficult relationships can develop in the early childhood setting
  • To identify specific communication techniques to use when dealing with difficult people.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4 + 7

EYLF Outcome:Principles and practices

Development, EYLF
Develop Confident and Involved Learners

This interactive session will examine the processes children use to develop understandings of themselves and their world and how children construct their own learning strategies. In a supportive learning environment children are given the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning, choices and contributions to their world.

Through hands on active investigation children are able to develop strategies and nature of learning and are able to constantly build on and adapt what they learn to suit a variety of contexts and situations. This session will explore how early childhood educators can provide environments that instil a love of learning, support children’s learning styles and reinforce the value of hands on exploration and play in facilitating confident and involved learning.

Participants will be encouraged to consider how children learn, and how through keen observation and documentation this learning can be made visible to children and families.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the process by which children develop their own understanding of themselves and “their” world.
  • To assist children to build on and adapt what they learn to suit a variety of contexts and situations.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 5

EYLF Outcome: 4

Program Planning, Miscellaneous
Discovering Learning Stories

If the word “learning stories” has been used around your service and you have been thinking “what is all the fuss about?”, then we invite you to attend this session to gain an understanding of this flexible documentation tool.

Learning stories allow educators to plan experiences that are focused on the child, that come from the child’s lead and are based on children’s observed interests.

Join this session to gain knowledge about using learning stories in your program. Have the opportunity to discuss any questions you may have in learning more about learning stories.

Learning Outcomes

  • To gain an understanding of learning stories.
  • To gain knowledge about using learning stories in your program.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area:1

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4 & 5

Development, EYLF
Documentation with Respect

The National Early Years Learning Framework for Australia has highlighted the importance of making learning visible via a variety of methods which collectively is referred to as documentation. This focus on documentation rather than “observation” has opened up possibilities to go deeper with examining the many ways children express their understandings and learning.

Documentation includes expressing children’s own goals and describing much more than what is just seen. It brings the child to the centre of our curriculum where we look at the strengths and uniqueness of each individual as well as their learning within the social context.

The five key learning outcomes provide educators with key points of reference against which children’s progress can be documented and shared with children, families and other professionals. Respectful documentation is child centred, reflects children’s strengths and interests, and incorporates all relevant stakeholders in the reflection of learning that is occurring and has occurred within our settings.

Educators who are interested in reflecting the EYLF, and developing their skills in noticing and writing respectful and meaningful documentation will benefit by attending this interactive session as we examine the possibilities of making children’s learning visible in our programs.

Learning Outcomes

  • To focus on documentation rather than observation.
  • To understand the importance of incorporating children’s own goals when documenting learning.
  • To examine the possibilities of making children’s learning visible in your programs.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Educational Leaders in Action As a valued educational leader within your service, you would already have a sound knowledge of theories of learning and development, and you would be someone who has an interest in reading widely and sharing Information with other educators within your service.

This session is to bring together educational leaders to further enhance your skills in: - guiding others in reflecting on their practice; - to meet complex needs of children from a range of backgrounds and abilities; -to share personal qualities to listen, coach and mentor your team of educators.

Use this training opportunity to share and collaborate with other educational leaders.

Learning Outcomes

  • To guiding others in reflecting on their practice.
  • To understand and meet complex needs of children from a range of backgrounds and abilities.
  • To share personal qualities through listening, coaching and mentoring your team of educators.

Designed for: Educational Leaders. All service types

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Principles and Practices

Leadership, Behaviour
Effective Time Magagement

Discover ways to manage your time more effectively, plan your day, week, month and schedule tasks in order of priority. Time is a consistent barrier in which we all face regular restrictions within creating loss of direction, achievement of set goals we are working towards and those contingency plans we need to put into action.

When time doesn't permit our day to work out the way we had planned this causes stress, uncertainty and frustration as the following day will be doubled with work requirements, tasks and projects we may need to complete. Learn ways to prioritise, share the work load and be prepared for the unexpected.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify a range a strategies to assist with time management
  • To explore the effect of poor time management on you, your room, the children and the service.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area:4 & 7

EYLF Principles and Practices

Eliminating Workplace Gossip The process of eliminating workplace gossip can bring about much stress and confusion. Stress for leaders in not understanding why gossip is still present in spite of their efforts to eliminate it. Stress for staff in not really knowing why their co-workers gossip or what they can do about it. These are challenges that face us all. That's right, gossip is a common problem! So, can workplace gossip be eliminated? Absolutely, however, typically, creating a “gossip free zone” will not solve your gossip problems alone. Join us as we present some key strategies for creating a working and learning environment that's free from workplace gossip.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers & Directors

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Principles and Practice

Embracing the Early Years Learning Framework This interactive session will provide participants with an opportunity to engage with the content of the new national framework to discuss and brainstorm the implications and opportunities for quality improvement within their services. The vision of the document will be examined and participants will engage in exploring how this can enhance their relationships with children and families and provide a foundation for providing responsive environments and experiences. This session will look specifically at the vision of the framework; Belonging, Being and Becoming, and draw upon contemporary research supporting the effect of this on children’s overall development, and ability to form and sustaining meaningful relationships, as well as begin to explore the learning outcomes and the implication for practice. There will also be discussion around the principles and practices outlined in the framework with a view to encouraging participants to begin reflecting and discussing these within their own services, as well as developing purposeful actions to enrich children’s learning.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3,4,5

Program Planning, Development
Engaging Learning Environments

When we thoughtfully and purposefully choose individual resources to construct rich learning environments the result is a place where children thrive as they play, learn and discover. Careful planning of the aesthetic environment will promote positivity about the environment and will consider the use of colour, light, design and space; a reflection of cultural heritage; and uncluttered space. Open-ended experiences including natural materials such as sand, water and mud as well as artefacts and tools that enable children to explore, investigate, problem solve and represent their understanding will feature in the engaging learning environment. Join us to explore how you can make your learning environments engaging too!

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to set up experiences in a way that is open ended, attractive, and stimulating.
  • To be able to use your own creativity, imagination and resourcefulness, to enhance children’s play
  • To engage children in their play

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Evolving Social and Emotional Development Evolving Social and Emotional Development The key to any child's learning and development is explicitly linked to their self identity and picture of themselves as competent learners. What messages the environment sends on an emotional and social level can greatly effect this perception. As early childhood workers it is important to consider how our program can respond to this and provide opportunities for children to gain a positive self identity, competency and knowledge in order to reach their optimum potential. This interactive session will look at a socio-cultural perspective and its relationship to the evolving social and emotional development of the children from birth through to school age.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 2 & 5

EYLF Outcome: 3

Program Planning, NEW
Exploring an Emergent Curriculum Spend some time exploring an emergent curriculum approach to program planning. This contemporary approach will challenge your style of thinking and assist you to make the transition to the emergent curriculum smoothly! This session will revive your passion as you too emerge as an advocate to children and families.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore the fundamental practices of an emergent curriculum.
  • To identify the benefits to children in developing an emergent curriculum.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 2, 4 &5

Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Exploring Art

Creating art is a fine way for children to make choices and solve problems. Every step involves deciding what colour to use, how to make a line, what size to make something. With every choice the object becomes more and more their own.

Join this session to learn about the importance of creative arts and how to expose children to a variety of materials so that they can create art.

Learning Outcomes

  • To find out about a range of creative mediums and how to use them in your curriculum.
  • To explore the educators role in supporting children creative efforts

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Program Planning
Exploring Children’s Senses Join this fun session where we will share ideas about how to provide sensory opportunities for children to play. Learn about the sensory values of water, sand, slime, clay and finger-paint, and discover the magic that surrounds a children’s program that will foster a calming child centred approach.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Program Planning
Exploring Current Curriculum

Together we will explore a range of approaches to curriculum and to documenting children’s learning that incorporate contemporary images of children as strong and competent learners. Contemporary planning must foster collaborative partnerships between educators, children and families. These approaches acknowledge the expertise and interests of children and families and encourage their input in decision making. Our focus in this session, is to discuss an approach to programming that is specific to contexts and a program that is continually evaluated and modified. We will focus on the process of reflection, evaluation and ongoing improvement.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore current approaches to curriculum and documenting children’s learning
  • To explore the educators role in contributing to the curriculum
  • To explore the children and families role in contributing to the curroculem

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,4 &5

Leadership, Behaviour
Exploring Philosophical Approaches When planning and responding to children's needs and education, our ideas often come from a philosophical base or viewpoint. It is valuable to consider a variety of philosophical approaches when establishing what feels right to us as professionals when presenting programs to children. Such philosophies as Reggio Emilia, Steiner, Montessori and Te Whaki for example can lend many ideas and approaches for working with children in meaningful ways that embrace specific elements of early childhood education and alternate ways of programming. This interactive session will discuss and explore a range of philosophical approaches and how these can influence our ideas when working with children.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Principles and Practice

Program Planning, Development
Exploring the Outdoor Environment

This online workshop aims to highlight the intrinsic value of outdoor play whilst exploring a range of stimulating discussion topics.

So if you're looking for some new ideas, and/or some help with a specific problem you're experiencing relating to the great outdoors, then get ready to 'get down and get dirty'! Come and join us explore the outdoor environment.

Learning Outcomes

  • To discover the value of outdoor play
  • To gain some creative ideas in providing creative outdoor experiences.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 3

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Program Planning
Exploring the Outdoors This online workshop aims to highlight the intrinsic value of outdoor play whilst exploring a range of stimulating discussion topics. So if you're looking for some new ideas, and/or some help with a specific problem you're experiencing relating to the great outdoors, then get ready to 'get down and get dirty'! Come and join us explore the outdoor environment.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Extending on Effective Interactions Hopefully by now you would have had the opportunity to participate in the online program "Interacting effectively with Children ". This online workshop extends on interacting effectively with children, with an integral focus on collaborating with children's interests. Learn to interact through another dimension, by learning some workplace strategies to ensure your interactions are effective and consistent.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,2

Program Planning, Development
Focusing on Over 3's

Children over three are a lot of fun! They often spend a lot of time watching and exploring everything around them and enjoy hands on experiences.
At this age children also want to take on responsibility and please you and do things “right.” A diverse range of personalities, abilities and interests can sometimes be challenging, when catering for such an active age group who strive for independence.

Come and join in this workshop to gain some useful ideas for promoting children’s responsibility, developing positive behaviour and planning fun and exciting experiences that will keep them motivated to learn and development as individuals!

Ideal for:Trained Child Care Workers

Quality Area:1

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Program Planning, Development
Focusing on Under 3's

Early childhood is a precious time in life. We have the joy of watching children discover and learn about the world around them. Under the age of three is a very busy time of increasing independence and curiosity. They learn through interactions with people, active exploration and movement. Through these they quickly develop confidence, skills and knowledge.

It’s important to develop trusting and positive relationships with children so they can feel safe and secure on their journey through childhood. Positive guidance, communication and interactions are an important part of this process. Come and join in the voyage for some practical solutions and idea’s to working with children under three.

Ideal for:Trained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Program Planning, Development
Forming Friendships - Peer and Play

Building relationships and learning about friendships is an important part of the early childhood experience for young children.

As we acknowledge the importance of the social context on children’s healthy development, we can begin to appreciate the importance of planning and facilitating a wide range of experiences that encourage children’s interactions and connections to each other.

What skills does the child need? How can we support a healthy view of friendship? This interactive workshop will explore how early childhood professionals can enhance and support children as they navigate their way through the friendship terrain.

Ideal for:Trained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 1,2

Forming respectful and equitable relationships with each child

All children deserve to know and feel that others care about them, know them well and are genuinely interested in what they do, think and feel. In this session you will discover how to build close, secure relationships with children of all ages, abilities, genders and backgrounds.

Come along to learn and discuss strategies and techniques to extend and build on children’s comments and conversations which form respectful and equitable relationships.

Learning Outcomes

  • To discover how to build close, secure relationships with children of all ages, abilities, genders and backgrounds.
  • To identify strategies and techniques to extend and build on children’s conversations.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 2

Program Planning
Foundation Programming Foundation planning has been developed to assist child care professionals, to fully gain an understanding of what has been known as a foundation of knowledge surrounding the basic fundamentals of program planning. This session will explore the foundation principles that will assist any professional child care worker in designing and implementing a program planning system to ensure that children’s individual needs are being met. The principles that will be covered in this session will include the process of: observing, interpreting, writing individual objectives, planning experiences, evaluating and modifying.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Leadership, Miscellaneous
Friendships in the Workplace

Can you really be friends with everyone you work with? You may have nothing in common with any of your co-workers, but a professional friendship can benefit everyone in the organisation by creating a supportive environment contributing to productivity.

Join this session and see how you can benefit from workplace friendships in your organisation, and how you can be a better professional friend.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers, however appropriate to ALL levels

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Principles and Practice

Behaviour, Program Planning, Development
Group Times Made Easy Group times are a way of connecting children together be it formally in a planned group session, or spontaneously when the moment presents itself. This workshop will examine the purpose of bringing children together in groups and the power these times have on children’s overall development. Through these times spent together both caregiver and child build the bonds of a strong relationship to each other through sharing stories, songs, ideas and feelings. This interactive online session will inspire you to provide creative and wonderful group times for all children.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the value of planning group time experiences
  • To develop an awareness of what determines a successful group time experience .

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1, 4, 5

Guiding childrens behaviour As professional educators, our overall aim is to guide and support the child’s journey towards being responsible for his/her own behaviour.

Throughout this session, we will work towards creating developmentally appropriate environments that support, nurture and protect children, so they learn to be a valuable member of their community. After participating actively in this workshop you will be able to discover practical solutions to common children's behaviours.

Learning Outcomes

  • help children understand appropriate expectations
  • encourage children to adopt these behaviours
  • enable children to become self directed.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3 & 4

Harmony in the Workplace

Whether you are an employee at your service, a coordinator who is responsible for a group of educators or the owner of your service, there are things you can do to make your workplace a better and more enjoyable place to spend the day. A harmonious workforce can be less stressful and more productive.

Join this session to discuss the challenges of working with different personalities, and learn who to get the best from each member of your team, to create a harmonious workplace.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand your role in creating a harmonious workplace.
  • To explore the various personality types, then to understand how to work alongside all personality types.
  • To identify positive strategies to create a harmonious workplace.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Principles and Practices

Health and Safety, Miscellaneous
Healthy Eating Habits Healthy eating habits make for a pleasant and sociable mealtime experience. Discover how you could provide opportunities to help children develop positive attitudes about healthy foods and learn appropriate eating patterns, mealtime behaviour, and communication skills to assist them in developing healthy eating habits.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 1,2


Implementing the NQF

Have you been overwhelmed with literature, frameworks, standards, policies and procedures? Do you need help in seeing how the unfolding of the NQF will assist your day to day work with children, families and the community? This session will help you unpack the documents that are shaping a positive future for the Children Services sector.

Learning Outcomes

  • To gain an understanding of the NQF
  • To feel comfortable about discussing the positive changes that the NQF has bought to the children service’s industry

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 7

Infants Toddlers and the EYLF Infants and toddlers deserve a world that is strongly influenced by the adults who surround them. The relationships that educators have with infants and toddlers will affect the quality of development, education and care. Explore how you can ensure that the vision and principles of the EYLF enhance your practices with infants and toddlers.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand how adults influence infant and toddler development
  • To identify the significant relationship between educators and infants/toddlers.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1, 2, 3

Leadership, Miscellaneous
Influences on Leadership

There are countless personality traits that distinguish us from one another, some inherited while others are learned. There isn't much debate about the idea that leadership style grows out of personality type. Just as the unique gifts associated with each personality type contribute to society, they also contribute to the many different types of leadership needed to keep the world moving forward.

Discover your own leadership style and personality traits by joining this session.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify the different styles of leaders.
  • To recognise how your personality and the personalities of others influence you as a leader.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Practices and Principles

Program Planning, Development, NEW
Intentional teaching - learning how

Intentional teaching is deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful! It cannot be confused with a theme based programming approach. Intentionality utilizes professional knowledge and strategies that reflect contemporary theories and research concerning children’s play, leisure and learning.

Learn how to make use of spontaneous teachable moments which extend children’s learning!

Learn how to comment on children’s displays of learning dispositions, by providing encouragement and additional ideas and support to children!

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise purposeful teaching moments.
  • To identify the importance of spontaneous teachable moments.
  • To understand the significance of encouragement.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4

Interacting Effectively with Children - Part 1 Anyone can ''talk'' to children. But only a true advocate of children can communicate and interact effectively with children. Come along and rediscover communication strategies that will assist in effective interactions with all age groups of children. Learn how to promote positive behaviours by the way you interact with children. Identify times when it is acceptable to stand back and listen to children. Above all, have the opportunity to discuss common strategies to further improve the way you interact effectively with children.

Ideal for: Untrained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Program Planning, Development
Keeping Children Challenged

One of the challenges that early childhood educators face is developing and implementing challenging and innovative programs that enhance children's curiosity and desire for learning. As many of the children we care for have been part of our services for much of their lives, it becomes increasingly necessary to find ways to extend and challenge their skills and abilities with a balance of familiar and new experiences.

To do this, we need to consider children as capable of directing their own learning and work in real collaboration with them. By collaborating with children we are able to provide authentic learning experiences that will be both challenging and enriching. Samples of some approaches may be Reggio Emilia, Steiner, and the Project approach as well as many other models available for consideration.

We are inviting you to join this interactive workshop where we will discuss the range of options we have for keeping children challenged through a collaborative approach as well as explore a range of early childhood programs that will enable us to take an eclectic approach to our programming taking in the best aspects of a wide range of options and integrating these with our own service requirements.

Learning Outcomes

  • To enhance children’s curiosity and desire for further learning.
  • To identify the importance of listening to children and collaborating to enhance learning opportunities.
  • To explore a range of approaches to assist in the development of thought-provoking experiences for children.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome 4 & 5

Health and Safety
Keeping Children Safe Children’s well being is of paramount importance. In exercising duty of care in relation to child protection and child safety, staff are frequently engaged in risk assessment. Centre management must ensure that each staff member is aware of: • Common signs and indicators of child abuse and neglect; • Policies, procedures and legal responsibilities about reporting incidences of child abuse and neglect • The need for sensitivity and confidentiality in handling this information. This workshop will focus on legislative guidelines and your role and responsibility in keeping children safe.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 1,3

Program Planning
Know your Tune with Music Music is everywhere! Patterns of sound are all around, becoming alive.

You may believe that you are not musical; you may have been told that you cannot sing in tune, or that you have no sense of the beat; yet music is a part of the essence of all of us.

This session will explore the importance of introducing literature to children through song in an enjoyable age/stage appropriate way.

Come and sing your favourite song!

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Leadership, Miscellaneous
Leading your Team Effectively Great leaders are captives. They are captivated by a clear sense of purpose and they rally others around that purpose.

Great leaders also have vision. Vision involves having a clear picture of a meaningful future that you are committed to and passionate about creating. If you are looking to enhance your leadership skills, and to improve workplace effectiveness, join us as we take you on a unique journey where you will make new discoveries about yourself and your work team, along the way.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify the qualities of a captivating leader.
  • To recognize a meaningful, professional vision for yourself as a leader.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Practices and Principles

Let’s start off the right way when guiding children’s behaviour As professional educators, our overall aim is to guide and support the child’s journey towards being responsible for his/her own behaviour.

Throughout this session, we will work towards creating developmentally appropriate environments that support, nurture and protect children, so they learn to be a valuable member of their community. After participating actively in this workshop you will be able to discover practical solutions to common children's behaviours.

Learning Outcomes

  • help children understand appropriate expectations
  • encourage children to adopt these behaviours
  • enable children to become self directed.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3 & 4

Leadership, Behaviour, Development
Managing Children's Behaviour There are no magic answers or secret remedies to make a child behave appropriately. There are however some techniques that will help to teach a child more acceptable behaviours. It is important that the educators involved with young children have the skills and knowledge to implement behaviour management techniques.

Managing challenging behaviours can be stressful on both educators and children alike. Join in this session and discover some practical techniques that will enhance your own strategies when dealing with challenging behaviours.

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise techniques which will assist children to learn positive behaviour strategies.
  • To enhance educator skills in dealing with challenging behaviours.

Ideal for: All Qualified/Trained educators

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4

Managing Resistance to Change

Changes both big and small need to be implemented into every service, change comes with many different opinions, views, attitudes and behaviours from those we are working with. This session focuses on ways to manage and support those around you when the need for change arises including reasons why educator's can become unwilling or unresponsive to roles and responsibilities expected of them.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore why change is challenging for some individuals.
  • To discover ways to manage the change process and provide support to others.

Designed for: All Qualified Educators. All service types

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Outcome:Principles and practices

Program Planning
Meaningful Documentation

Documenting children's learning is more than just collecting samples of work, photographs and learning stories. These documents need to be analysed for meaning.

Learn about analysing observations by posing questions such as: What meaning the piece of work has for the child? How the documentation demonstrates learning across developmental domains? What strategies did the child use in the observation, such as problem solving?

Join us to help you make more meaningful and purposeful observations to support children's learning.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify opportunities which are meaningful to each individual child.
  • To discover how documentation links across a range of developmental domains.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 2 & 4

Motivating Your Team

Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a dynamic, motivated, high-functioning team? Well, you are not alone! The wonderful news is that there is a specific plan of action that you can implement immediately to help you manage, motivate and retain great staff.

However, the road to transforming your workplace is exactly that – a road, not a quick fix – rather a long term solution for the motivational challenges children services leaders face.

This session will assist you to understand what motivates your team, and the steps you can take to coach your team to accomplish great things; to be the program with a motivated, dynamic, high functioning team!

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify strategies in managing and motivating your team.
  • To learn long term solutions in motivational challenges.

Designed for: All Qualified and Trained educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Practices and Principles

Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Music and Movement Music and movement are inside each child. All caregivers do is let them out. That is good news for those of us who are not gifted in these areas. It tells us that all we need to do is encourage, not "teach" music and movement. In this online session, we will share some ideas that may help you "let the music out."

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Program Planning
Natural Play Spaces - the possibilities

In constructing environments with children, the use of natural materials and play spaces, allows each child to participate and engage in their own unique way. This engagement enhances children's relationship with their environment and supports their growing curiosity and exploration which leads to many learning opportunities.

As much evidence suggests children need more time in their natural world to develop strong connections, and a sense of place and harmony. This is recognized by the National Early Years Framework, which supports educators in connecting children to their world and developing a healthy respect for preserving the rights of this world.

This interactive session will provide educators with an opportunity to consider how to incorporate natural play spaces not only in the outdoor environment but throughout the whole service.

Learning Outcomes

  • To discover how the use of natural materials and play spaces engages children’s play.
  • To identify how the natural environment influences learning opportunities.
  • To incorporate natural play spaces into your daily program.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 1

Behaviour, Program Planning, Development
New room - New ideas!

Children are born with the need to explore. They investigate their world through play.

As facilitators of children’s play, educators must ensure that learning environments are designed and implemented to collaborate and engage children in meaningful play and exploration.

Open your mind to creativity, imagination and resourcefulness; create aesthetically pleasing engaging environments for children of all ages.

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to set up experiences in a way that is open ended, attractive, and stimulating.
  • To be able to use your own creativity, imagination and resourcefulness, to enhance children’s play.
  • To extend play experiences by engaging children in their play.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5


November special presentation - Having hard and awkward conversations with Semann and Slattery Do you find yourself stumbling through some awkward and hard conversations. Do you have the skills to undertake these conversations. The topics that lead to making a conversation awkward can including performance issues, people's Attitudes and sometimes even more challenging conversations like the fact that someone smells. During this session Colin Slattery will provide you with the skills to navigate these conversations with ease
Nurturing a Strong Sense of Wellbeing

This session will look at the importance of wellbeing in relation to the physical and psychological development of young children. It will examine how dispositions, confidence, resilience, and willingness to engage in learning are all affected by a strong sense of wellbeing.

The session will examine how competence in all areas of development has a direct correlation with overall learning and achievement, and the possibilities that exist within early childhood settings to provide the foundations for young children to develop skills and understandings that will impact on maintaining healthy lifestyles, making positive choices, and gaining skills that support independence and positive self esteem.

The vision of the National Early Years Framework will be examined within the context and the interrelationship between wellbeing and belonging. Being and becoming will be explored within the day to day programming and interactions that services offer to children and families.

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise the importance of fostering all children’s wellbeing
  • To understand that all children are individuals who deserve to have their happiness and welfare met
  • To explore the interrelationship between wellbeing and belonging

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 3

Program Planning, Development
Open Ended Experiences The provision of open-ended experiences acknowledges children as competent and capable learners who are able to direct their own learning and make meanings. Open-ended experiences include natural materials such as sand, water and mud as well as artefacts and tools that enable children to explore, investigate, problem solve and represent their understanding.

This session will explore the value of open ended experiences, and what a positive impact this will make when developing a program for children. It will include many visual photographs of open ended experiences.

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise the importance of open ended play opportunities for children of all ages
  • To gain an understanding of how effective open play experiences affect your day to day routine

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development

Planning for an Anti-Bias Curriculum Planning for an anti-bias curriculum, promotes positive attitudes towards diversity and to counter stereotypes and discrimination. It is evident that young children notice diversity, that they make evaluative judgements about differences and that they develop biases from a young age.

Join the discussion in this session about the importance of planning and implementing an anti-bias curriculum.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify the importance as an educator to promote positive attitudes towards diversity.
  • To include an anti-bias approach within program planning experiences.
  • Designed for: All educators. All service types

    Quality Area: 1 & 3

    EYLF Outcome: 1, 3 & 6

Practical solutions to end of year behaviours

Are your children tired at the end of a big year? Are they ready for their next challenge? The end of year is fast approaching and with it comes unique end of year challenges. Join this session with an open, positive approach to communicating with children to guide their behaviours.

This session will no doubt discuss strategies that you may have already used, however with the guidance of a professional trainer you should leave this session feeling refreshed and ready to finish the year on a high note. This session will be directed by the questions you ask when enrolling.

Learning Outcomes

  • To develop a positive approach to communicate with children in guiding their behaviour.
  • To discuss strategies in dealing with everyday behaviours.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 5

Practical Solutions to Everyday Behaviours

Join this session with an open, positive approach to communicating with children to guide their behaviours. If you feel like you have tried all possible solutions in dealing with children’s behaviours you probably have…

This session will no doubt discuss strategies that you may have already used, however with the guidance of a professional trainer you should leave this session feeling refreshed and ready to once again work with children to guide their behaviour. This session will be directed by the questions you ask when enrolling.

Learning Outcomes

  • To develop a positive approach to communicate with children in guiding their behaviour.
  • To discuss strategies in dealing with everyday behaviours.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 5

Practices and Principles in Action Participate in this session to discover how values can be viewed through a lens; where educators or services can reflect on current practice. Take this opportunity to look at ways to improve or renew practices based on your values. Your services values should underpin practice that is focused on assisting all children to progress in to their full potential.

Share your thoughts, or come along and listen to some ideas on implementing the values and current practice.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand how the five principles of the EYLF reflect current theories to support children’s learning and development.
  • To determine how the five principles of the EYLF underpin practice that is focused on learning outcomes.
  • To be able to draw on pedagogical practice to promote children’s learning.

Ideal for: All educators All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Principles and Practice

Putting the pieces together - A guide to the NQF

Let us help you put the pieces together of the National Quality Framework (NQF)

If you are new to the sector or haven’t had many conversations regarding the NQF then this is the session for you. This session will help you understand the acronyms and terminology that will assist your understanding of the NQF. It will help unpack the documents that are shaping a positive future for the Early Childhood Sector.

If these words are not yet part of your professional vocabulary: ACECQA; National Regulations; Quality Standards; QIP; EYLF; Practices; Principles; Learning Outcomes plus more - this is a session for you.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify how the NQF has shaped the Early Childhood sector
  • To gain an understanding of your role within the NQF

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 7

Raising Effective Communicators This session will look at the importance of communication and its relationship to the vision of the National Early Years Learning Framework; belonging, being and becoming. Children are intrinsically motivated to use a variety of strategies and tools to communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas. These expressions of communication, need to be received and extended upon in order to ensure children feel validated and connected to their world.

This session will examine the importance of valuing the variety of interaction styles, languages, and expressions that children make and explore how responsive early childhood environments provide opportunities for all children to express themselves and be heard and understood. It will also examine the skills and requirements of effective communication and the importance of language, literacy and numeracy in providing children with ways of engaging with ideas and communicating these ideas effectively and in a variety of ways.

Competency within language, literacy and numeracy form the foundation for successful learning and the importance of the influence of families and cultural experience will also considered in relation to working with families in partnership to support effective communication.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the importance of extending children’s ability to communicate through thoughts, feelings and ideas.
  • To examine the varied interaction styles that children learn and express.
  • To form an ability as an educator to provide children with the tools to enhance language, literacy and numeracy.

Ideal for: All educators All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 5

Recognising opportunity for Language and Literacy

Early experiences with language establish parameters of interaction. Playing with sounds, words and meanings is an exciting part of developing language proficiency. In this session learn how you as educator promote language learning through: listening to children; engaging in conversations and creating language-rich environments.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore a range of opportunities which promote language and literacy.
  • To create language-rich learning environments.
  • To To gain confidence as an educator to enhance children’s attempts of language and literacy.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1, 2 & 4

Leadership, Miscellaneous
Reflecting on yourself and the curriculum

Have you ever taken the time to look at yourself in a mirror and reflect on yourself as a leader? What style of leadership reflects back at you? Some of us may be searching for the impossible, and that is a clear, prescriptive answer to becoming a perfect leader!

The capacity to reflect on any action is to engage in a process of continuous learning. This is one of the defining characteristics of professional practice!

Join this session to reveal to yourself and others your qualities as a leader. Come up with your own “prescriptive answer”, who knows you may just find the winning solution!

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise the importance of reflective practice on a daily basis
  • To engage in continuous improvement through reflective practice.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Principles and Practices

Relaxation and Yoga for children - creating calming environments

A calming environment for children to play and learn is an essential part all children’s wellbeing. This session explores how resources and strategies can help you create this beneficial calming environment.

We will look at specific yoga and relaxation techniques for children. Yoga is appreciated and enjoyed by children of all ages, however a children’s Yoga session is vastly different to an adult’s class. The key to being successful when introducing Yoga to children is in the way it is presented to them. Yoga is a whole system and is built on three main structures: exercise, breathing and meditation. This session will demonstrate how regular daily practices of the structures of Yoga, produces a clear, bright mind and a strong, capable body.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore a range of relaxation techniques that can be utilised with children
  • To understand how Yoga helps body awareness and alignment, improves focus and builds strength
  • To find out about creating calming environments to support children’s wellbeing

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 3 & 4

Program Planning
Room Aesthetics

First impressions on your service are often based on aesthetics. Visual, creative environments should have thoughtful use of colour, light, design and space; a reflection of cultural heritage; and uncluttered space.
Careful planning of the aesthetic environment will provoke positive messages about the carers , learning and care within this environment.
Join this session and have the following questions answered:

  • When you look around your room, do you see your children and their families’ interests reflected in the environment?
  • Are your resources and the children’s work thoughtfully and carefully displayed?
  • Do the adults or the children dominate the environment?

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 3

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Health and Safety
Safeguarding and promoting childrens health and safety

Protecting and promoting each child’s wellbeing will assist each and every child in your care to grow competently and confidently! Wellbeing incorporates both physical and psychological aspects that are central to ‘belonging, being and becoming’.

Primarily, children’s wellbeing must incorporate well planned routines, experiences and activities which promote good health, nutrition, sleep, rest and relaxation. Join this session to ensure that you are safeguarding and promoting children’s health and safety.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify how children’s wellbeing incorporates both physical and psychological aspects.
  • To understand the importance of every day events that safeguard children’s health and safety.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 3

Miscellaneous, Development
School Readiness

The transition from early childhood services to school can be a time of great stress for parents and children alike. Parents often look to early childhood professionals for advice. Alternatively, for some early childhood professionals it can be difficult to express differing views to parents when they feel a child is or is not ready for this transition.

This session will examine the key indicators of school readiness and look at strategies for providing parents with the necessary information to make appropriate decisions about a child’s transition to school.

Learning Outcomes

  • For educators to assist children in the transition to school readiness
  • For educators to assist families in the transition to school readiness
  • To understand how to provide a learning environment which is enriched in school readiness experiences

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4 & 5

Miscellaneous, NEW
Shared Partnerships with Families

Focusing on a collaborative, shared relationship with families is essential in attaining quality outcomes for children. How many educators are of the opinion that too many families are too busy or seem uninterested in their child’s day?

If we as professionals work collaboratively with families to meet their individual communication needs, together with some help from this session in discovering creative communication ideas, you can start implementing a shared relationship with families today!

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore the benefits of a collaborative, shared relationship with families
  • To share creative communication strategies

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4

EYLF Outcome: 1


Special Presentation - Coaching and mentoring strategies in leadership with Semann and Slattery Coaching and mentoring is often touted as a way of leading in early and middle childhood settings. This session will examine the what mentoring and coaching actually is and how we, as leaders, can use more solution focused approaches in our conversations with colleagues that draws out the best in them.
Miscellaneous, EYLF

Special Presentation - Diversity and difference in Early Childhood with Anthony Semann The world is rich in diversity and difference and this is a gift of difference entering the early childhood space. Diversity in families, children and staff and the ways in which we work with diversity and difference can be both enriching as well as challenging. During this online program we will explore a range of issues including, how do we celebrate difference authentically, how might we navigate the challenges of difference and what might a curriculum with links to diversity look like in practice

Special Presentation - Educator’s Toolkit for Behaviour - with Sandi Phoenix

Exploring the tools that educators use to guide children’s behaviour and social decisions

  • Unpack common tools used by educators to support behaviours
  • Understand the background of traditional behaviour supports and examine their place in early education
  • Consider new techniques for guiding children’s behavioural learning
  • Explore reasons for children’s behaviour – even those that appear to happen for “no reason”

Join this Special Presentation delivered by Sandi Phoenix, the founding company director and Principal Facilitator at Phoenix Support for Educators. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Psychological Science.


Miscellaneous, EYLF

Special Presentation - Emotional Intelligence with Dr Louise Porter Our emotions guide us to face challenges and tasks that are too important to leave to the intellect alone. Emotional intelligence, then, is the ability to integrate thinking and emotions to produce effective behaviours. To do this, we need to understand our emotions. However, we can become muddled if we mistake thoughts for feelings. When we allow our feelings to dictate how we live our life, we are like a puppet on a string, being jerked around by our emotions. Therefore, it is important that, just as we call a spade a spade, we call a thought a thought, and an emotion an emotion. To that end, this session will describe three ‘fake’ feelings. These are merely thoughts that we have chosen to invite in and entertain – but when we give them the status of emotions, we believe that we are justified to act on them and to make other people suffer for ‘causing’ them. Once we understand that they are mere thoughts (or stories in our heads), we will be less distressed and therefore more able to process information clearly, and less likely to blame others and expect them to ‘fix’ what we are feeling. We will be emotionally literate.

Special Presentation - Emotional Intelligence with Philip Butler

No thanks, I’ve already got enough to think about: Why we need to make some time for Emotional Intelligence.

In contemporary education circles, emotional intelligence is fast becoming the new buzz word. Is it just another new fad, or can it really have dramatic effects on the pedagogy and the learning, providing educators with greater understanding of themselves, their colleagues and the families they engage with on a daily basis. Becoming emotionally intelligent can unlock opportunities to enhance your self and the get to know others you work with better.

Miscellaneous, EYLF

Special Presentation - Guiding Children's Behaviour with Dr Louise Porter In this seminar, Louise Porter will identify why we should not reward or punish children for their actions. First, children who want to please us do not need to be punished when they make mistakes, because they are already remorseful and, therefore, do not need to be 'taught a lesson'. In contrast, nonconformist children (who value being in command of themselves) are prepared to risk our displeasure to prove to us that we can't make them do things. The more we try to control these spirited children through rewards and punishments, the more rebellious they get. In other words, rewards and punishments (consequences) are unnecessary for one group of children and counter-productive for the other group. In this session, Dr Porter will details alternatives, including giving positive feedback without praising; and supporting children to regain command of their own emotions, rather than punishing them for becoming out of control.

Special Presentation - Having those hard conversations in the workplace with Semann and Slattery Hard conversations in early education settings Sometimes we have to have those awkward conversations in early education settings which asks us to draw upon courage in order to resolve issues of practice and behaviour. This session explores those awkward conversations and how we can move from “blame” stance to a learning and contribution stance so we can resolve dilemmas in a way that reduces the awkwardness we feel. The following ideas will be explored during the session: - What makes a conversation awkward - The dilemma of awkward conversations - The three components of the conversation - How to move to a learning conversation

Special Presentation - I'm Listening with Phil Buttler

Utilising shared-sustained interactions to unpack children’s thinking and learning.

There is much written about share sustained thinking. That it is a process of adults asking the right questions at the right time in order to help and assist children to unlock their potential.

So what might we learn from the research to date in order to improve our interactions with children. Creative, divergent and solution focused thinking in children is a gift and as educators we can assist these skills to be learnt. So join us as we explore shared sustained interactions.


Special presentation - Is the workplace culture what I want - with Colin Slattery Is the workplace culture what I want? Making the workplace effective.

Room Leaders, Centre Directors and Educational Leaders. In enacting this role effectively we need to understand how we might work through difficult staffing moments. These moments can be personality based or in people undertaking their roles.

During this session we will explore a range of ethical and evidence based strategies to working through difficult staffing moments.


Special Presentation - Learning environments with Ben Walker from Semann and Slattery Am I setting up a learning environment or simply reacting to the environment?

In this session we will unpack learning environments for children. Too often we find ourselves simply reacting to our environment which leads us to decisions that have little intention behind them. Imagine the environment that you would love to have. What does it look, feel, sound and smell like? How is function, form and learning linked to the environment? What theorists can we research to find inspiration? In this two-hour session we will unpack the environment, its impact on learning and our role in this space.


Special Presentation - Lets Analyse Behaviour - with Sandi Phoenix

Exploring behavioural meltdowns and complex inclusion challenges

  • Critically reflect on behavioural incidents to support positive behavioural changes
  • Learn to effectively document behavioural incidences and develop meaningful positive behaviour support plans
  • Gain underpinning knowledge about functional behavioural assessments

Join this Special Presentation delivered by Sandi Phoenix, the founding company director and Principal Facilitator at Phoenix Support for Educators. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Psychological Science.



Special presentation - Managing difficult staffing moments - with Colin Slattery We can sit here and pretend that we don’t have staffing problems however this does not get to the core of some of the issues leaders face. Leadership entails a variety of roles including room leaders, centre directors and educational leaders. In enacting this role effectively we need to understand how we might work through difficult staffing moments. These moments can be personality based or in people undertaking their roles. During this session we will explore a range of ethical and evidence based strategies to working through difficult staffing moments.

Special Presentation - Managing those tough staffing issues without falling apart - with Anthony Semann Do you feel anxious about addressing some of those tough issues in your workplace? Well you shouldn’t and in this online course we will teach you how to move forward in confidence and come out with a positive outcome. There are some techniques you can use that will ensure a win - win outcome and no one will fall apart. So lets start the journey of dealing with these issues rather than putting them in the too hard basket
Special Presentation - Moving Beyond the Fear of Theory - With Anthony Semann Does theory freak you out? Do you work with theory in the everyday? How do you include theory in your documentation? There are many theories that exist and that can be applied in early childhood settings, but where does one start. During this session we will enter the exciting world of theories and make our way through a number of useful and interesting ways of using these in the everyday

Special Presentation - Reflective Practice in the Everyday - with Semann and Sattery Developing professional skills in early childhood education and care extends beyond attending professional development sessions or training courses. Focusing on internal and external supervision, coaching and mentoring, developing work places that focus on learning, and supporting educators to become reflective practitioners, are equally critical in developing the identity of the practitioner in early childhood education & care. This workshop will assist educators to recognise their own limitations, and encourage them to be open and reflective which most aspire to achieve. Individuals will come to acknowledge that we as practitioners take many of our beliefs for granted when working with children, families and other professional colleagues, thus, we need to be provoked to consider our differences. This workshop will challenge participants to move from professionally driven practices to child-focused & family-centred practices, taking into consideration their personal values and beliefs.

Special Presentation - Relationships Matter - with Julie Boxhall from Semann and Slattery Relationships Matter

Positive relationships with children are essential in supporting children’s health, well-being and their ongoing learning and development. Children who experience trusting, responsive and warm relationships are more motivated to develop their own positive relationships with others now and throughout their lives. Consequently, developing positive relationships with children is fundamental to the National Quality Standards and EYLF.

This training session will explore key understandings in building positive relationships with children, including our image of the child and how that impacts on our overall relationships.

It will unpack what positive relationships look like and how this translates in our everyday practice. The session also allows time for participants to reflect on their current practices and the thinking behind these. Participants will also become more aware of practices that strengthen relationships and build a greater confidence in articulating their thinking to others.


Special Presentation - Relationships with Children and Families that make a difference

Relationships with Children and Families that make a difference

Yep you guessed it is all about relationships. Why? Because they make a difference. One might argue that when we have relationships organised then most things might fall into place, however relationships are complex. With children, they require attunement and deep connection. With families, they require understanding, patience and compassion. In this two part session we will explore the ways in which we can move towards better relationships and strengthen our connection with each other.


Special Presentation - Resilience, Attachment and Mental health in Early Childhood - with Lyn Worsley

The workshop will give an overview of the attachment process, and show how this dynamic process contributes to the development of resilience. An overview of the Resilience Doughnut model along with current theories of emotional regulation will be presented in a practical way. Participants will have an understanding of their own attachment style and how this may affect the children in their care.

Join this Special Presentation delivered by Lyn Worsley, Clinical Psychologist with a background in early childhood and tertiary education teaching, nursing and youth work. Lyn is the also the director of the Resilience Centre in Epping, as well as the author of the Resilience Doughnut model.



Special Presentation - Rethinking professional identity - with Anthony Semann Professional identity is a complex web of what we think we are and what we do and what others think we are and what we do. It is a process of re-imagining our roles and challenging the norms. Unfortunately the idea that early childhood education is made up of individuals who unfortunately are lost in their career, or have no other career options prevails. It is time to challenge and re-imagine this image and in this online session we will radicalise ourselves and the images people have held for us.

SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Seeing children outside of outcomes with Anthony Semann Can you imagine a far and distant world where outcomes didn't govern the ways in which children were viewed! A world where individuality reigned supreme and diversity was the in thing. A world where programs, observations and documentation didn't all hinge on pre-determined outcomes! Well here is your chance to see children outside of the EYLF outcomes and to challenge some of the prevailing myths that have come to restrain the thinking of the early childhood educator. Cost $75

Special Presentation - So now I am an Educational Leader - with Semann and Slattery So now I'm an Educational Leader - Where do I begin?

Educational leadership is an exciting role and requires individuals to understand two concepts, firstly leading and secondly education. Combining these two concepts together is both exciting and challenging. In this session, Phil will explore some of the processes that support great educational leadership and how educational leaders can bring out amazing pedagogical changes in their workplaces

Program Planning, NEW

Special Presentation - So who am I documenting for anyway - The secret to documentation THEY don’t want us to know with Semann and Slattery Let’s get it straight, when done correctly, documenting children’s learning is not hard, time consuming, or even complicated. In this session we will unpack the document process, reflect upon what you are currently doing, look at the challenges and strengths to different strategies out there, and finally, once and for all settle the debate about who we are doing documentation for anyway. If you want to develop reflective documentation process which include the voice of the children, parents and educators while virtually writing themselves, then this is the training for you. Making documentation work for you, not against you.

Special Presentation - To document or not to document: this is the question - with Anthony Semann Do you often struggle with what, when and how to document? Do you find yourself drowning in the documentation pool of paperwork? There are many challenges people face when documenting learning. During this online session we will enter the world of documentation and grapple with some of the big and little questions which can challenge us. We will explore the power of documentation as well as debunk some of the myths surrounding documentation.

Special Presentation - Working with challenging behaviours: beyond control and conquer - with Semann and Slattery Behaviour in young children is the vehicle to communication with people in their immediate world. When children misbehave, this may be due to their limited ability to communicate, their need to avoid or escape difficult situations, their desire or interest in tangible things, or simply an existing developmental delay or disability. This presentation will address children’s tendencies and behaviour, teachers’ attitude towards problematic children, strategies to involve families in making a positive change, and general strategies or trends that can be used by educators to tackle behaviour in social and educational settings. Making Action Plans (MAPS) is an innovative technique designed for collecting information to facilitate the inclusion of children with challenging behaviours, delays or disability in regular social settings (Snow, Pearpoint & Forest, 1989). This unique person centred approach will be discussed at length, as an advantageous strategy to embrace children with challenging behaviour in the context of their family, friends, and community.
Program Planning, Miscellaneous
STEM learning with children

STEM – science, technology, engineering and maths – are a part of everyday life for today’s children. Children’s play is filled with opportunities to hone in on their STEM skills. You might see this incidentally when they measure an ingredient for a sandpit cake or in an intentional teaching moment when they get excited as the vinegar reacts with the bi carb in the volcano.

When children are presented with the right opportunities to investigate and manipulate a wide range of resources and materials they can develop and consolidate the concepts and skills that set them up as a competent STEM learner.

Join us as we explore the value of Stem learning for children, planned and spontaneous experiences that facilitate STEM based learning as well as the educator’s role in supporting this.

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify the value of STEM learning in Early Childhood setting
  • To explore planned and spontaneous STEM experiences for children
  • To recognise the educator role in supporting STEM learning

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 4 & 5

Step Out of the Book Reading stories is both one of the simplest and quickest ways of establishing a happy relationship between the reader/teller and children. The biggest difference between child audiences and adult audiences is that young children let you know immediately how you're doing. If you're not connecting with them, they squirm, interrupt, or get up and leave. Come and find out how to plan a successful and enjoyable story time, where children settle into comfortable positions and gaze at you in rapt adoration.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area:1

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

Stress Management

Stress management among educators is an important issue. Too much stress can not only affect your own health, but also the quality of care that you are able to give to children. An Educator who is feeling too much stress may not be able to offer quality care to the children or themselves.

Come along to this session and learn how to “de-stress!” Learn strategies of ways to seek support and ask for help, take time out and the art of saying 'NO' to others when we are feeling overloaded and over committed. Explore the value of talking about our stress and emotions with others and most importantly making time for ourselves to do the things we really enjoy!

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify common stressors when working with children
  • To explore stress management techniques

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Principles and Practices

Health and Safety
Supervising or just standing around

Adequate supervision of children involves a number of important factors. As you go about your daily work, you are involved in preventing hazards and risks and assessing the safety of the environment for children in your care. In addition, you need to prepare for unforseen emergencies or possible evacuations.

By joining this session you will participate in learning about providing safe supervision; understanding potential hazards and risks; providing safe environments; preparing for emergencies and evacuations and understanding legal aspects of supervision.

Learning Outcomes

  • To preventing hazards in your environment.
  • To minimise risk and assesses the safety of your environment.
  • To adequately supervise children in both the indoor and outdoor environment.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 1

Program Planning, Development
Supporting Children with Additional Needs

Every child has the right to feel safe, secure and supported in their Early Childhood setting. By catering for individual children’s needs and by treating each child with respect, you are setting an example of inclusion. It is important that you have a strong understanding of each child’s interest, strengths and needs, so that you can provide a responsive curriculum and identify any areas requiring extra support and attention.

This session is aimed to support the actions and attitudes that may be faced with situations of children with additional needs

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to support with individual children and their families to meet their inclusion needs
  • To explore the educators role in providing an inclusive environment

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3 &4

Leadership, Behaviour, Miscellaneous, Development
Supporting Children with Autism It may seem that more and more young children are now being diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Whether mild or high-functioning, children affected often find it difficult to communicate, both linguistically and socially, and have difficulty with imaginative play and flexibility. Children may also go through times of acute stress and experience ‘melt-downs’.

This session will outline the different kinds of Autism Spectrum Disorders, how to recognise symptoms and more importantly how to support both children and their families.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the importance of supporting children with autism
  • To understand the importance of supporting educators ideas, strategies and knowledge

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1,3 & 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,2 & 3

Health and Safety, NEW
Supporting Vulnerable Children As professionals, we are aware that children who have negative experiences in the first years of life can have long-lasting effects on their development and are more likely to experience behavioural and learning problems.

This session will recognise potential risks to vulnerable children and discuss the appropriate steps for supporting children, families and staff.

Identify how active participation in early childhood programs enables vulnerable children to experience positive learning and development opportunities to give all children the best start in life.

Learning Outcomes

  • To gain an understanding of connection between the UN Convention and the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020
  • To recognise potential risks to vulnerable children
  • To identify appropriate steps for supporting children, families and staff

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 3

Surviving Routines Routines are familiar aspects of the day which children can anticipate and understand. They serve as a framework around which the child’s day is organised, and enables the child to develop a sense of the passage of time. Without careful planning, routines can be a source of stress and unhappiness for both children and staff alike. This online session has been designed to help you plan routines that are responsive to the individual needs of the children in your care. You will be able to access a number of formats and sample routines that you will be able to download and use as part of your own development of routine times.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers, however appropriate to ALL levels

Quality Area: 3

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,4

Sustainable Practices

Clearly, we must understand and recognise the impact our lifestyles have on our environment and devise ways in which to minimise these effects.

More importantly, we have a responsibility to maximise the opportunities available to us in our daily work to develop ethically sound environmental attitudes and behaviours in the young children in our care.

This session will enable the children to be empowered with the necessary skills, attitudes and knowledge to deal with and find responsible solutions to environmental challenges they will face in their adult years.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the importance and implications of sustainability.
  • To maximise the opportunities for children and educators to develop ethical and sound environmental attitudes and behaviours.

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 2

Leadership, Behaviour
Team Building Working in child care requires teamwork. Duties are rotated, schedules coordinated, resources shared. But are you really a team or simply a group of people attempting to work under the same roof? Does your workplace atmosphere resemble a caring community of professionals where mutual support and appreciation abound, or is it more like a dysfunctional family full of tension, suspicion and resentment? Lack of teamwork leads to a joyless, stressful workplace and ultimately to poor quality child care.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 5 & 7

EYLF Principles and Practice

Leadership, Behaviour
Team Esteem Who you believe your team are, is the foundation for everything your team will do and experience. In so many ways, your team’s poor self image can literally prevent you from achieving and even setting goals that could make your work life an accomplishment-filled adventure.

This session will consider how confidence in your own ability to think and cope with the basic challenges of working within children’s services influence your teams esteem.

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Principles and Practice

Terrific Two's - Working with Toddlers Some carers associate 2-year-old children with tantrums, defiance, and getting into everything. But the 2-year-old is also in the midst of one of the most significant transitions in the human life cycle. This workshop provides a guide for carers to help them understand the nature and course of the child's development and behaviour at the 2-year-old stage and change this time into one of the most successful periods in the carer-child relationship.

Ideal for: Untrained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1 & 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4

Program Planning
The Abecedarian Approach

The principles and experiences of the Abecedarian approach may help you discover the four elements that produce positive, long lasting changes in children’s development.

If you haven’t heard of the Abecedarian approach, but are interested in the four elements the approach has to offer: Learning games; Conversational reading; Language priority and Enriched care giving… then this session will help you experience the relationship between the Abecedarian approach and the Early Years Learning Framework.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore the principles and experiences of the Abecedarian approach.
  • To identify the four principles associated with the Abecedarian approach.
  • To discover the relationship between the Abecedarian approach and the Early Years Learning Framework.

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4

The Cross Generational Workplace For the first time in history, four distinct generations are employed side by side in the workplace. Intergenerational differences can cause conflict and misunderstanding. By understanding the traits of each generation, you can gain insight into why your co-workers behave the way they do. The new multi-generation workplace is a complex and dynamic organism that requires flexibility and skill from everyone, especially from leaders. People of all ages can work side-by side and draw from the rich mixture of skill and experience – the key is understanding!

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand about the 4 generations currently potentially working at your service.
  • To explore your role in managing a multi-generational workplace

Designed for: All Qualified educators. All service types

Quality Area: 4

EYLF Principles and Practice

Program Planning, Development
The Inclusion of Children with Additional Needs

Every child has the right to feel safe, secure and supported in their Early Childhood setting. By catering for individual children’s needs and by treating each child with respect, you are setting an example of inclusion. It is important that you have a strong understanding of each child’s interest, strengths and needs, so that you can provide a responsive curriculum and identify any areas requiring extra support and attention.

This session is aimed to support the actions and attitudes that may be faced with situations of children with additional needs

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to support with individual children and their families to meet their inclusion needs
  • To explore the educators role in providing an inclusive environment

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1 & 3

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3 &4

The Right Words to Use - Communicating Effectively Anyone can ''talk'' to children. But only a true advocate of children can communicate and interact effectively with children. Come along and rediscover communication strategies that will assist in effective interactions with all age groups of children. Learn how to promote positive behaviours by the way you interact with children. Identify times when it is acceptable to stand back and listen to children. Above all, have the opportunity to discuss common strategies to further improve the way you interact effectively with children.

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 5

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4,5

The Value of Play Experiences A successful learning environment, recognises the value of play in the promotion of children’s learning and development. This session will look at both planned and spontaneous play experiences that look at the child in a holistic manner, which recognises the importance of creative and child-initiated play, to develop a child’s self esteem. Play experiences that we will be focusing on, include the value of commonly planned experiences such as the value of play-dough; clay; drawing; painting; water play; home corner; books; puzzles, and whatever play experiences interest the enrolees.

Ideal for:Trained Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3,4

Theory of Excellence

What are your own personal theories on how to provide and implement best practice?
Come and share your secrets of excellence and gain an insight into the principles to good management and customer care, ongoing innovation and a high quality service, respect for people and leadership.
Join in to also discover how you can improve your service operations, productivity, motivation and interpersonal skills with others to create a theory of excellence that works for you!

Ideal for: Qualified Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Principles and Practice

Top 10 Frustrations Working in Childcare There would be very few people who would argue against the fact that the most important asset for any community is our children. But those who care for and nurture those children – child care workers, are pivotal in contributing beyond just the physical health of children. Working within the rewarding profession of children’s services, brings with it many frustrations as working as a director, qualified child care worker or as an untrained child care worker. This session invites you to actively shape the delivery of this session by submitting your most “frustrating” moments about working in children’s services, regardless of sector. Some examples may be: Lack of respect as a qualified; workplace gossip; the storeroom that is ALWAYS a mess; challenging parents; lack of resources; unorganised routine… and many more. Enrol into this session, then you will be asked to submit some specific frustrations that we can help you with.

Ideal for: All Child Care Professionals

Quality Area: 7

EYLF Principles and Practice

Understanding Infant Learning The period from birth to one year is a time when infants learn a great deal. Infants develop through the exploration of their senses of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing to make sense of the world. Re-discover the wonders of planning for infants; remembering that babies learn best by being given physical and emotional attention by carers to meet their individual needs. Learn how to be imaginative in infant planning.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore the importance of understanding infants’ senses
  • To discover infant planning requirements through the awareness of physical and emotional needs

Designed for: All Qualified and Trained educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3 &4

Using social media the right way

We often forget the importance of specific guidelines we should be adhering to when using social media, what is and isn’t appropriate to be publishing and the times in which we are utilising our devices to communicate with others. Discover the correct and most effective ways to use social media to benefit your workplace and others. What is and isn’t appropriate publishing content and why!

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore social media tools in an early childhood setting.
  • To maximise social media opportunities for collaboration with educators, children and families

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 6

EYLF Outcome: 7

Program Planning
Valuing Children's Play Play really is the "work" of children. It is how they work on new skills, how they work in new understanding, and how they work out their problems. Play is linked with creativity, providing children with opportunities to express themselves in unique ways. Play is a great opportunity for children to find and solve problems. Problems children encounter in play tend to be relevant and meaningful. Children approach play with intensity and seriousness. For them, it can be a real challenge to work out how to keep a roof on a cubby, or how to get the baby into the cot for a sleep. Step back into the shoes of children, and truly encompass the value of play.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the importance of play for children’s development
  • To explore the educator role in supporting children’s play.

Ideal for: All Educators

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 4,5

War Play and Superheros

Early childhood professionals are often in a dilemma about how to deal with challenging play based on superheros or war play. This interactive session will examine the underlying difficulties this play may create for educators and children, and look at ways we can channel this play into a positive and enhancing experience for everyone.

Learning Outcomes

  • To explore the influence of popular culture in children’s play
  • To explore the educators role in supporting children to explore war play and super heroes safely and with purpose

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1, 3 & 4

Health and Safety, Leadership, Program Planning, Miscellaneous, Development
Working with Conflict Resolution Join other child care professionals to discuss practical information to assist in helping children to resolve their conflicts with each other. We will identify how conflicts can be the beginning of something new and good! By children talking, listening and working things out together, peace can be protected.

“It takes two to work together, but it also takes two to fight. And often, it only takes one to begin the first step towards a peaceful solution. (Scholes & Ingpen, 1989)

Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 4 & 7

EYLF Outcome: 1,3,4

Program Planning, Miscellaneous
Working with Natural Materials

In constructing environments with children, the use of natural materials and play spaces, allows each child to participate and engage in their own unique way. This engagement enhances children's relationship with their environment and supports their growing curiosity and exploration which leads to many learning opportunities.

Working with Pre-schoolers

Typically, four and five year olds are full or energy, eagerness and curiosity. During these years motor skills are being perfected and creativity and imagination come into everything, from dramatic play to artwork.<

With extensive vocabulary, and the ability to express ideas, solve problems and think ahead, pre-schoolers have a strong sense of self and strive for independence.

This session will give those who work with pre-school children, the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and confidence across all the pre-schooler’s developmental domains, offering practical suggestions when working with pre-school aged children.

Ideal for: Ideal for: ALL Child Care Workers.

Quality Area:1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3,4,5

Working within OSHC Programs
Middle childhood is an important period when children develop a sense of who they are, what they can do and how others perceive them. It is a time when the focus of their daily lives is on school and their self esteem is closely tied to school success.

Join this session to discuss characteristics of children during middle childhood, to further help in your understanding of the children in your care. Come along and discuss behaviour guidance strategies when working with school aged children; as well as share ideas about exciting recreational environments.

Ideal for: Untrained OSHC Child Care Workers

Quality Area: 1

EYLF Outcome: 1,2,3,4,5

Health and Safety
Workplace Health and Safety Successfully managing health and safety in the workplace relies on commitment, consultation, co-operation and awareness. Everyone in the workplace needs to understand the need for health and safety, what their role is in making the workplace safer.

This session will look at the health and safety issues specific to the child care sector.

Training is an essential tool to establish an active, preventative approach to Health and Safety in the workplace.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand your role in managing health & safety
  • To identify child care specific WHS issues
  • To develop an active, preventative approach to WHS

Designed for: All educators. All service types

Quality Area: 2

EYLF Outcome: 3