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Autumn 2003 NEWSLETTER

Five Years On:
One World Reflects

Making time for reflection, in an otherwise hectic life, is always helpful. We become re-focussed and re-energised and ready to meet the future head on. Reflection is also a key element in successful planning and development. It could be said that it is just as important to know where you have been as it is to know where you are going. In fact you could say that they go hand in hand.
As we enter our sixth year as a Registered Training Organisation, we reflect on the past five years and the journey to date, as we plan for new developments that will further enhance options for flexible delivery, and the ongoing quality improvement of our service.
Many of you who receive this newsletter, whether you are an employer, or a trainee, have been associated with us for much of this time, and can share in our reflecting from first hand experience. For those of you who have only become a member of the One World community more recently, here's an overview of our organisations' development.
Reflecting on our training history:

  • 1998 achieved registration as a Registered Training Organisation with the State Training Board of Victoria (now the Victorian Qualifications Authority)

  • 1999 established an 'on-line' presence with the development of the One World for Children website

  • 2000 re-developed the framework of our website to incorporate the development of an e-learning environment and on-line training

  • 2001 further developed the e-learning web pages and researched training resources and materials to support learning

  • 2001 was also the year One World became certified as an ISO 9001:2000 Quality Assured company

  • 2002 we focussed on learning new skills and applying them to the development of the Workplace Learning Centre using the cybertots toolbox

In 2002, our on-line environment became more and more a reality as we focussed on the development of further skills and knowledge within the training team.
With the assistance of funding from Learnscope, we were able to facilitate and more effectively manage the e-learning environment that we are striving to create. Along the way we were introduced to not only a virtual community of learners, but also a virtual
smorgasboard of possibilities! Hence, in 2002 we started thinking about how we could make our online community of learners a reality. We came up with what we thought was needed, and set about making it happen..

What's ahead for 2003?

We have now settled into 2003! But the One World team hasn't been idle since our last newsletter. In fact, we've been quite busy working on some new and exciting developments to our website. Once complete, these new features will improve overall communication between members of the One World community.
Here's what's been happening, and what's new, and coming soon.


My World is in effect your own One World homepage. Our web developer is currently working on the mechanics of 'MyWorld' while our artist Penny (who has created all of the artwork for our website) is busy creating an art piece that will reflect the kind of place we would like it to be for you.
We thought you should have a place where all the things you need to participate fully in our training programs are close at hand. We also want to increase the awareness and use of the website as a way of supporting your learning. We are aware that it is easy to feel isolated and under-supported when training in the workplace. The camaraderie that is associated with classroom learning is absent when training on the job.
However, what you do have is a workplace of co-workers who have experiences and knowledge to share, working alongside you on a daily basis. All across Victoria there are more than 200 others like you, all participating in training with One World. All individuals who like you may at times feel that they would benefit from discussion and shared problem solving. 'My World' brings together the communication tools that feature on our website, and puts you in touch with others.
You will be able to login to your own homepage and meet others working in the children's services industry to discuss common issues and to share experiences.
When you login to your One World homepage you will be able to

  • check your One World email

  • read or add to the postings in the forum

  • join a chat or view the scheduled chats

  • access the Workplace Learning Centre

  • view your profile, and the profiles of other participants

  • complete and submit feedback surveys online

  • check who else is online and send them instant messages

  • catch up on the latest news

  • view your individual training plan in real time, use it to check your progress to date and to plan ahead

  • contact us

One world email

We would like to use email to communicate with you more frequently. Although many of you have an email address, some of you have not. So that we can communicate with all of our participants we have decided to issue all participants enrolled at One World with their own email address. Once we have 'My World' up and running, and we have created the new One World email database, you will be able to check your email by logging on to your homepage.
All One World employers and training participants will be receiving their individual copy of our newsletters, as from the next edition, via their email addresses. Please let us know if you would still prefer a hard copy sent to you via the post.

e-training news

You will shortly begin receiving e-training news, an electronic newsletter that will keep you up to date and informed. As we have not issued One World emails as yet, the e-news will be sent to all those we have on our existing email database. If you think we may not have your email address, or you have changed your email address and forgotten to let us know, please email snez@oneworldforchildren.com.au and we will update our records and make sure you are sent your copy of e-news.

Instant messaging

It can be really frustrating to get online, and want to meet and chat with others, but not be able to find anyone else. The chatrooms empty, although you note that you just missed someone less than 15 minutes before, and there's no way of knowing who else is online, if indeed anyone! Well, we have been working on alleviating the frustration by developing an instant messaging program, that anyone visiting the website can login and logout of. Now you can see who else is online and send them instant messages. Why not check it out today?


The Cybertots toolbox, developed by Western Australia TAFE, is a web-based training program for the Certificate III in Community Services (Children's Services). With funding provided by Learnscope, we have customised it's framework to work in with our website layout, and modified the content to meet the requirements of our programs. You can undertake some of your training online by visiting the Workplace Learning Centre. Once the 'MyWorld' page is available, you will be able to access the Workplace Learning Centre directly from your homepage. In the meantime you must first request a user name and password by clicking on the Workplace Learning Centre and trying to access a building. The issuing of a password usually takes less than 24 hours.

Online training plans

We are currently looking at changing our student management program from pc based to web based system. A web-enabled program will allow us to give you access to view your own individual training plan in real time. We think this would be a great feature that will ensure you have current information regarding the progress of your training right at your fingertips. We will keep you posted on progress and new developments.

First aid now

As an RTO, we often come across new training products that we are able to incorporate into our training programs. We recently were introduced to a new training product called 'First Aid Now' and we thought it might be of interest to employers and childcare workers in the industry.
FIRST AID NOW - CD - Rom, ICT, Multimedia Training
Life International Training P/L has produced FIRST AID NOW, the world's first multimedia, nationally recognised, First Aid training course that incorporates both the instruction & assessment, on CD-Rom. "Online teaching, however, is more than just time-efficient and cost-efficient. It is more flexible than the classroom in that the student not getting the point right away can replay the material. The interactivity of online education, its facility for blending graphics and pictures with the spoken word, give it an advantage over the typical classroom." Peter F. Drucker.
FIRST AID NOW will dramatically enhance training alternatives. It allows companies and individuals a choice to complete their required training.
FIRST AID NOW applies text based theoretical assessment and established computerized parameters based upon key points undertaken during a face-to-face practical assessment. Using this ICT medium, the learners skills and knowledge are accurately assessed.
FIRST AID NOW will provide individuals and organisations access to nationally recognised training and certification, using their computer and the Internet.
One World is an agent for First Aid Now. If you wish to complete your First Aid certificate on your computer, or you are interested in your staff undertaking the First Aid Now program, please email training@oneworldforchildren.com.au and we will make the necessary arrangements.
The cost of doing first aid and CPR online is $196.90, which includes the CD Rom and Key Code for submitting assessment. Additional Key Codes, which would be required for each individual wishing to complete the online assessment, are $121.00 each.
All One World training participants will be offered, at no cost, the option of completing their first aid by using First Aid Now.


To help you navigate your way around our website, we have developed and printed a detailed webguide. It is a detailed 'road map' of our training website. If you would like a copy of the webguide to be sent to you, please email snez@oneworldforchildren.com.au or phone the office on 5272 2714.

Have we got it right? Have your say!

We have given you an overview of our online development over the past five years, and described to you what we have in mind for further development as we move towards 2004 and beyond.
However, we would like to know what you think about it all.

  • Do you think you will use the homepage facility?

  • Will you use it to communicate with others?

  • Will you participate in online learning when given the option?

  • Do you feel confident to explore our website?

  • What are some of the barriers?

  • What are your thoughts about an online community of learners?

Post your thoughts on the Student Forum noticeboard in the Coffee Shop on our website or fax us a response and we will post it for you, and you will be in the running for a fantastic prize! See competitions on page 14 for details.

A Chilling truth about child care
By Bettina Arndt

The Age 5/2/2003

Babies must have contact with adults that involves more than just being cared for.
Playing 'peekaboo' isn't just about the joy of making a baby chuckle. Playing games that involve interaction with adults is essential for children to acquire knowledge about the world.
That's the conclusion being reached by researchers into infant development who are discovering the importance of social interactions where adults and infants share and respond to ideas, objects and events together. And babies learn best when they share these experiences with responsive adults who know them well.
Recently, some Australian researchers decided to measure these shared learning 'joint attention sequences' - for babies in child care. At the Australian Institute of Family Studies conference on February 12, one of these researchers, Berenice Nyland at RMIT; will spell out her findings for these infants.
The results make chilling reading. Joint attention experiences barely exists in many infant child-care centres. In more than 30 hours of tape Nyland collected from 18 months of infant-carer interactions for two infants in different centres, she rarely found these desired social interactions. Sure the babies were fed, their nappies changed, their basic needs met. But as for the critical joint attention sequences there were hardly any.
Nyland reports: Other researchers have come up with similar results. Researches from the school of Early Childhood Research at Queensland's University of Technology looked for joint attention sequences between carers and infants in eight randomly selected child-care programs. In two they found them; the carers were engaged in regular joint interaction with the children. But in the rest, such mutual engagement was very rare indeed. "Often the kids would make bids, for attention and the caregivers would miss them or ignore them," commented researcher Donna Berthelsen.
That's exactly what comes out on other Melbourne research by Nyland and Sharne Rolfe from Melbourne University and Romana Morda from Victoria University. They studied data collected from six-hour observations of infants in care and found half the attempts at connection by the infants resulted in failure. For most children, 'interactions were fleeting, characterised by only one turn', and fell far short of the critical mutual engagement.
The distress children experience when confronted by unresponsive adults was clearly shown in Harvard paediatric professor Edward Tronick's classic 1978 'still faces' experiment where mothers were asked to mimic the unresponsive faces often show by depressed mothers who emotionally withdraw from their children.
The profound distress shown by these babies highlights the fact that not all parents able to provide adequate care for infants. But parents put children into child care in the belief that their emotional and development needs will be catered for - yet many infants end up spending day after day with similarly unresponsive carers too over loaded to provide stimulation. This is not a criticism of the underpaid often poorly trained child care workers who in many Australian centres are required to cope with infant carer ratio of one to five - which astonishingly is the 'recommended' ratio adopted in most states. Many carers have little time to do more than offer minimum care when trying to feed half-a-dozen babies at a time. But as Nyland's stark descriptions show, there's something very wrong when mute babies in highchairs are left staring at meals, with their attempts at connection often ignored. The researchers are united in lamenting that child care in Australia, like countries such as Sweden, may be forced to conclude it is simply too expensive to provide the carer ratios and highly trained staff needed to provide an adequate care of infants in institutional settings and that extended parental leave and paying parents to care for their own children may be a far better solution. It is interesting to speculate whether the lack of stimulation received by these infants could be connected to later problems emerging in children, which have shown up in the major US research study in the area, the National Institute of Child Health and Development Study of Early Child Care.
Many infants end up spending day after day with unresponsive carers too overloaded to provide stimulation.
This research has shown that children who spent long hours in child care are more likely to show aggression and lack of compliance as primary school children. Negative effects on intellectual development have emerged for infants in full time care. Similar results have emerged in work by Kay Margetts at Melbourne University.
The federal Minister for Children Larry Anthony, is putting together an expert group to discuss recent developments in child care and child development. It is hoped these critical issues regarding infant care will be firmly on its agenda.
Staff writer Bettina Arndt is a member of Larry Anthony's expert group.
Email: opinion@theage.com.au

Have your say in our forum or fax us your responses and we will post it for you.


Alternatives to Time Out‚by Evy Fischlowitz Sussman

For years I heard myself say to 3 - 5 year olds, "That's enough now - you need to take TIME OUT! Sit or stand here and think about why hitting (or pushing or throwing or knocking down someone or something) is not allowed in our room." I watched these youngsters watch us, look out the window, play with their shoes or their fingers, or their buttons. I saw them make faces and, once in a while, even fall asleep. I watched the other children watch them, sometimes tease them, and frequently make their return to the group an unsuccessful event.
My attempts to solicit meaningful feedback regarding "Did you think about what you did to ___?" or "Are you ready to return?" or "Why did you do that?" yielded little of truth or value. There had to be another, better way to help children learn pro-social, acceptable behaviour in these early years, in places where there is no private space, such as a bedroom, to send them. How long is long enough, and defining where 'away from the group' is, are issues which plague early childhood carers. How can we preserve, protect, and instil real self-esteem? How can the carer and the child both 'save face,' 'look strong' and remain in charge? How can these behaviour episodes become positive steps in the process of growing up?
I found that offering activities with absolute beginnings and endings (absolute beginning is not the sand table, looking at a book, block play or large muscle activities) answered most of my concerns for these 'children in stress' (the ones who cause us so much stress!) - the ones who are in need of frequent cooling-off times and places. I would send them to a nearby table. I would choose an appropriate activity which would involve and engage them physically, visually, cognitively. The instructions would be, "Put this puzzle together," "String all the square (or red) beads," "Sort all these shapes," "Match these pictures," "Copy this pattern," "Let me know when you are finished. Then we will talk." The short phrases are about as many words and instructions as a child in stress can comprehend. Usually I try to say no more words than the child is old. Whenever possible, I make the decisions, no questions asked. The end of the activity is visual and concrete - the puzzle is complete, the beads are strung, the items are matched or sorted. The child is in control of the timing. Often, as children learn that this is the 'time-out' technique that we use, they will self-regulate the amount of time-out they need. If they're not ready to talk or return to the group, they'll do the puzzle again, or somehow delay finishing.
The process of fitting pieces into spaces or, choosing the right piece or colour or shape, all help youngsters to calm down, to focus on the specific task, and to feel in control of the situation and in control of themselves. Sometimes I decide to extend the time alone by telling the child, "I don't think you're ready yet, let's do this some more."Often we begin talking about the completed activity first, then we talk about the troublesome behaviour.
I have found that this technique meets many mutual needs when a child needs to be separated from the group. I need to be in charge. I want to keep the self-esteem of the child intact. I want positive learning and growth to take place. I want peace and order to reign in my playroom. I want this child to re enter in a positive, friendly manner. I want to set a good example of adult behaviour for all the children.
Evy Fischlowitz Sussman has worked in Early Childhood education for over 30 years. She presently is a primary school teacher in the Minneapolis public school system, and she regularly presents workshops at the annual NAEYC Conferences.

Say Sorry Like You Mean It

Sorry. It's just a five-letter word, but when it's used in the context of its original adverbial meaning, it retains its clout. According to The Little Oxford Dictionary, fourth edition, sorry means 'pained at or regretful over something'. Yet how many times do we see children, particularly pre-teens and teenagers, and even adults, use the word as if it's just that, another word, with no real emotion behind its usage.
One example of this flagrant use of the word sorry happens everyday the world over when siblings are fighting with each other and a parent calls out, "Tom, say sorry to Kate". Or, when a teenager says, "I'm sorry"for the umpteenth time and ten seconds later continues with the same inappropriate behaviour, with no regard for the regret that was supposedly just expressed.
Another example of this behaviour happened at a local shopping mall. Two teenagers working behind the shop counter were having a disagreement when one said, "I'm sorry," to the other one. It was evident that the youth saying sorry just wanted to end the discussion and had no depth of feeling for what he said. The other teenager was resolute in her response, when she remarked, "It's easy to say sorry when you don't mean it."
When you say sorry mean it; don't take the word for granted. Illustrate and model to children that sorry is not a word to be used lightly and that apologising to another person is part of a lifelong process of responding appropriately with regret and sincerity when one has wronged another. The statement in itself indicates a commitment to attempt to reform and correct the wrong doing.


An Environment that Positively Impacts Young Children

Jessica, age four, enters her new preschool playrooms for the very first time. She looks around and tries to determine what happens in this space? Does she belong here? Will it be an interesting place to spend her days? Will she be supported as she grows and develops?

Jessica will discover the answers through her interactions with the physical environment of her playroom. If she spends her day in an effectively designed environment, Jessica will be physically, emotionally, aesthetically, and intellectually nurtured. This appropriate environment can maximise her intellectual potential and provide a foundation for the development of her emotional security.

How Children Understand the Environment

Young children strive to make sense of the world in which they live. They try to organise the visual images and concrete objects in their environment into meaningful systems. Children want to determine how the space works and what activities can happen in this place.
Today's young children are spending a large number of hours in a 'new' environment - child care. Some children who begin attending child care in infancy may spend as much as 12,000 hours in this setting. This massive number of hours in one environment demands that the space be carefully designed to create the 'best' place possible for young children.

The Caring Carer is a Critical Component

Specific design techniques, when combined with a caring carer, can help the environment become a wonderful place for nurturing the development of young children. Children who live in this environment will have many opportunities for expanding their knowledge by actively participating in a world that is appropriate for their level of development. It will include spaces for active play as well as spaces for privacy. Opportunities are provided for a child to work quietly and areas are available where small groups can collaborate on a project.

An Environment that Matches Young Children

The first step in creating an appropriate environment for infants, toddlers, and preschool children is to examine how young children learn and develop. Each stage of development has unique characteristics that influence how a child will experience his or her environment.
For example, infants and toddlers learn about their world by acting on objects and materials in their environment. As the toddler feels the texture of a beach ball, pushes the air filled object, and rolls it across the carpeted floor, he constructs an understanding of the ball. Because infants and toddlers learn by interacting with the environment, their space must be designed with many opportunities for physically exploring real materials. Varied materials are stored where the child can easily select them. Other items are placed where they are not visible but can be retrieved when a specific activity or individual need occurs.
Preschoolers are active learners who continue to examine materials while beginning to use objects in more complex combinations. They are developing symbolic representation as they take on roles and participate in socio-dramatic play. Their language explodes during this period as they try to find 'labels' for the objects and people in their world. Language gives young children the power to question and find answers.
Learning centres are effective ways to organise and support these developing abilities. The centre areas clearly communicate to preschoolers what activity occurs in this area and the available materials that will stimulate their play. Traditional centres as well as unique centres encourage language interactions, socio-dramatic play, and the construction of experiences based on their level of understanding. By adding literacy materials including books, paper and writing tools, this construction will include "reading and writing" opportunities.

Brain Development During the Early Years

Early childhood educators and neurologists agree that the first eight years are a critical time of brain development. Infants come into the world with a brain waiting to be woven into the complex fabric of the mind. Some neurons in the brain are wired before birth, but many are waiting to be programmed by early experiences. The early environment where young children live will help determine the direction of their brain development. Children who have severely limited opportunities for appropriate experiences will be delayed; this may permanently affect their learning. But, children who have the opportunity to develop in an organised and appropriate environment are challenged to think and use materials in new ways.

Windows of Opportunity

New brain research indicates that there are important 'windows of opportunity' that exist during the early years. These are considered the 'prime' times for these areas to be developed. Experts have identified several areas that are particularly critical during the early years these include: language, logical thinking, music, vision, and emotion. Appropriate and interesting experiences, during the early years, in these specific areas can have a positive impact on the child's current development as well brain connections that will last a lifetime.

Visual Environment

During the first eight years, children are developing their visual acuity. Their perceptions of objects, movement, and print are expanded as they have opportunities for experiencing interesting visual images. Changes and variations of design intrigue children and cause them to visually attend to the unusual. The young child's environment that includes interesting visual aspects draws them to examine a painting on the wall or recognise a drawing that they have completed. Displays and panels provide visually interesting content to examine as children move about in the playroom space.
In the past, many early childhood playrooms were so filled with commercial decorations, materials and, “stuff” that young children were visually overwhelmed. Today, we are working to have less clutter and a more organised display of materials and work, so young children can visually attend to and enjoy the important features of the environment.

Auditory Environment

Music and sound patterns stimulate several portions of the young child,s brain. A variety of music and instruments can expand the sound world of young children, while developing musical enjoyment. Singing in group time and during transitions encourages the children to discriminate sounds and identify familiar patterns. Making music with simple rhythm instruments provides opportunities for children to connect the object with the sound that it produces and to control the production. Recordings of vocals, instrumentals, and folk instruments provide another listening experience that expands the auditory environment for young children. Providing a special area for group participation, as well as a centre where sounds can be explored individually, can add to the auditory possibilities of the playroom.

Integrated Environment

Young children make many connections when they participate in meaningful activities. Integrated activities that connect several types of learning are particularly effective for preschool children. These experiences provide stimulation for several portions of the brain and make additional connections that extend learning. Some of the experiences that are particularly powerful for integrated learning and building connections are learning centres, thematic episodes, and projects. To support integrated learning, materials must be readily accessible to the play areas and stored so that they can be selected and included in the play. To encourage the continuation of projects, there must be places to carefully store objects while the work is in progress.

Emotional Environment

It has been suggested that the emotions of children are strongly influenced by the responsiveness of the caregiver during the first years of life. If the child's joy is reflected by the caregiver and the emotion is reciprocated, the child's security is strengthened. If the child's emotion is interpreted as annoying by the caregiver, the circuits become confused. A caring and responsive caregiver provides a positive climate for young children that will impact not only emotional security but also many aspects of cognitive development. Children who feel secure and supported will experiment, try new things, and express their ideas.
The appropriate emotional environment also respects young children, while understanding individual differences. This means that each child has a place to collect 'valuable' things - their pictures and work are displayed in the classroom. There is a place where the child can retreat when things get too busy, or when he becomes tired.

Independent Learners

An independent learner is able to make personal choices and carry out an appropriate plan of action. Beginning in infancy and toddlerhood and continuing throughout childhood, there is the growing need to become an independent person. Children want to do things for themselves and in their own way. Preschoolers become increasingly competent in making choices, creating a plan, and following through with a project or experience. If children's ideas are valued and their interest followed they will work on projects for long periods of time. This process is supported in an environment where children are able to revisit and reflect on their plans, while using their knowledge in ways that are meaningful for them.
An effective environment is designed so even the youngest of children can become independent. There are many opportunities for them to be successful as they work to do things for themselves. They are not dependent on the carer and constantly asking for every material they need. An orderly display of accessible materials grouped together will help children understand that they are capable of making decisions. The environment will communicate to them, 'you can make the selection, you have good ideas, and you can carry out the plan for yourself.'

Influence of Environment on Children's Behaviours

The environment in which young children live tells them how to act and respond. A large open space in the centre of the playroom clearly invites young children to run across the area. If few materials are available to use, children will create interesting happenings, including conflict. If the procedures for using learning centres are not predictable and easily understood, the children will wander in and out of the areas with little involvement in play.
The arrangement and materials in the environment will determine the areas where children focus their work. It will also influence the number of conflicts that occur or the way the group works together. If the materials are hard plastic, the children are invited to be rough with the objects with little concern for their treatment.
If a beautiful flower arrangement is on the table, they will learn to visually examine the flowers and gently handle the delicate blooms. Children learn to be respectful of their environment if they have opportunities to care for beautiful objects and materials.


Young children respond differently, based on the design of the environment in which they live. An effectively designed playroom has the potential for positively influencing all areas of children's development: physical, social /emotional, and cognitive. Language and learning are nurtured in an environment that values and plans appropriate opportunities. The environment can support the development of behaviours that are valued in our society, such as cooperation and persistence.
An aesthetically pleasing space can develop a child's appreciation for the beautiful world around them. Most importantly, a quality environment can provide a home like setting that 'feels' like a good place to be.
Rebecaa Isbell, Ed.D., has been a teacher of young children, director of a Child Study Center, and professor of Early Childhood Education. Currently she is Director of the Tennessee Center of Excellence in Early Childhood Learning and Development, located at East Tennessee State University. She is the author of six books related to early childhood education including, Early Learning Environments that Work.


5 Ways to Set Limits‚ Eleanor Reynolds, M.A.

The goal for setting limits is to give as much responsibility as possible to the child. One contrast between rules and limits is that rules require the adult to take most of the responsibility. The adult must make the rules, enforce the rules, and apply some kind of punishment.
Limits, however, require the child to accept responsibility for her own behaviour and limits never require punishment. This is why limits contribute to the normal development of the child's independence.
With that in mind, here are the 5 ways to set limits. They are interchangeable so you can choose the methods that best suits each situation and each child.

I - Messages:

The I-Message is the most desirable way to set limits because you express your feelings as a problem. The child is expected to respond in a positive way. There are 3 parts to an I-Message: your feelings, what's happening, and the reason why you are concerned. For example:
It scares me when I see you climbing on the table
(your feelings) (what's happening)
because it's not strong and you could get hurt.
(the reason)
Or: I can't read the story with so much noise
(the reason) (what's happening)
I feel frustrated.
(your feelings)

We set limits to:

1. Assure the safety of each child and adult.
2. Prohibit the destruction of materials and equipment
3. Assure that children take responsibility for their actions
4. Assure equal and respectful treatment of all people

Giving Information

When you give information, use an informative tone of voice without threatening, then allow the child to react. If the child ignores you, try a firmer voice or give more information. It's time to get ready for lunch.
(wait for response)
The toys get put away. (wait for response)
I can't take you to lunch until the toys are put away. (Follow through firmly)

Natural or Logical Consequences:

These are an outgrowth of the child's behaviour and the consequence must follow the behaviour immediately. A consequence should never be a punishment or a message that says I told you so!

  • Looks like your milk spilled; here's the sponge.

  • When children throw their toys, they pick them up.

  • If you kick me, I have to put you down on the floor.

Using Contingencies:

This is when a second action depends on a first action being performed. A contingency usually begins with the word when. This statement tells the child what you expect and what will happen when he complies.

  • When your puzzle is put away, you may play with another toy.

  • When you've finished screaming, you may come back into the block corner.

  • When your shoes are on, you'll be ready to go outside.

Making Choices:

These work especially well with children who are strong willed and in need of a great deal of control. Giving choices eliminates power struggles and 'NO' answers.

  • You may wear the yellow boots or the blue ones (but you must wear boots when it rains)

  • You may walk to get your nappy changed or I can carry you (but your nappy needs to get changed.)

  • You may play quietly indoors or go out and be noisy.

The 'last resort' method:

When you try everything and the child continues to harass (purposely tease, hurt, destroy) remove the child from the situation, have him sit apart until he's ready to play without harassing and let him decide when to return. If he repeats the behaviour tell him, "You thought you were ready, but you're not, so you'll need to sit back down". This is not 'time out' because the child is always in control.

This article has been posted with permission from the Problem Solver Newsletter.


What does play teach?

Play is the best way for young children to learn the concepts, skills, and tasks needed to set a solid foundation for later school and life success. Most childcare programs focus on developing the whole child: socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. Many common play activities meet these goals.




language development, fine-motor skills, counting, coordination, and self-esteem

Circle games

large motor skills, creativity, cooperation, and spatial concepts

Pretend play

social skills (cooperation, turn-taking and sharing) language and vocabulary development, imagination, emotional expression


problem solving, abstract reasoning, shapes, and spatial concepts

Block building

a foundation for more advanced science comprehension including gravity, stability, weight, and balance

Sand play

measuring, problem solving, and fine motor skills


math skills(counting and measuring,) nutrition and science concepts(prediction, cause and


creativity, emotional expression, symbolic
representation, fine-motor skills



Washing one's hands seems like a simple task, but it is easy to forget one or two of the steps that could lead to hands not being germ-free. Posting the procedures with accompanying pictures helps everyone to remember how to wash their hands properly.

Proper Handwashing Procedures

1. Turn water on. Check to make sure that the water is at a comfortable temperature and that disposable paper towels are available.
2. Moisten hands under water and apply a heavy lather of liquid soap.
3. Wash hands for 15 to 20 seconds. Scrub the front and back of your hands up to your wrists, between your fingers, and under your nails.
4. Rinse your hands under the running water. Allow the water to run from your wrist to your fingertips.
5. Dry your hands with disposable paper towels.
6. Turn water off by grasping faucet handles with the paper towel you used to dry your hands. Dispose of paper towel in bin.
7. Apply hand lotion to prevent cracking and chapping of hands. Dry, cracked hands allow a port of entry for germs and diseases.

"Hand washing is perhaps the single most effective control measure against the spread of communicable and infectious illness in child care environments"


We would like to hear from One World training participants who would be interested in participating in focus groups to discuss the One World website and online learning. As we need access to the internet and computers, we would hold the focus groups at our facilities in Geelong, on a Saturday or Sunday. Depending on the number of volunteers, we may need to have more than one focus group. It is anticipated each focus group would meet for 2 - 3 hours. If you are interested in being a member of a focus group, please phone 5272 2714, fax 5272 3039 or email snez@oneworldforchildren.com.au


Blocks are Basic to Learning

"They cost too much."
"The children will hit each other and throw them."
"No one ever wants to pick them up."

Do you have a set of wooden unit blocks sitting on the shelves in your playroom, or do you have them packed away in a storeroom somewhere? Perhaps you do not even own a set because you think there will be problems? Unit blocks are wonderful teaching materials for young children that are sometimes overlooked, undervalued, and underutilised.
In the history of early childhood education, several of the founders of the study of children used blocks for first-hand experiences. Froebel and Montessori both used wooden blocks in their work with children. But the real mother of unit blocks as we know them today was an exceptional kindergarten teacher, Caroline Pratt. Ms. Pratt had the unique experience of having a woodworking background along with the desire to teach young children. She opened her City and Country school in the early 1940's in New York. As she looked for sturdy learning materials, she found she often had to create her own because of budget constraints - something carers still do today. In this article, we will give answers to some of the objections for using unit blocks as well as helpful hints for introducing and supervising a block area in the playroom.

They Cost too Much.

A good set of unit blocks is an investment. Yes, they do cost a lot initially, but when we look at the cost over their useful life, it is actually minimal. A set of good, hardwood blocks will last at least 40 years. In fact, most companies now offer from 40 years to a lifetime replacement guarantee. When you prorate a $1,500 initial cost over 40 years of usefulness, a set actually costs only fifteen cents a day - less than the cost of a piece of construction paper! The question then becomes how can we not afford them? These manipulatives will not go home in pockets, nor will they be inadvertently swept out or thrown away. And they are one of the most versatile materials you can purchase. Blocks can tie in with any theme or unit, teach math and science concepts, and develop social skills.

The Children Will Hit Each Other and Throw Them.

In a properly set up and supervised block area, problems rarely occur. The secret to a successful block area is planning. Attention to properly set up and an introduction at the beginning of the year will pay off many times in preventing discipline problems. A good block area will absorb children's interest and keep them productively involved and learning.

No One Ever Wants to Pick them Up.

If we view cleaning up as a learning experience, it ceases to be drudgery. Your attitude about this learning experience will be the key in getting cooperation at clean-up time. When children replace blocks on the shelves, they are sorting by shape and length. When adhesive paper shapes or pictures are used on the shelves to mark the location for each type of block, children are matching the real item to an abstract representation, the first step in literacy (words represent things, actions or concepts).

Setting up a Block Area

When planning a block area, select a location in the room out of the traffic pattern to eliminate problems that occur when one child accidentally knocks over another's building. Look at the area from the child's viewpoint. If the area has visual barriers on several sides, children will stay involved in their constructions longer. Low dividers protect the area from traffic, allow you to supervise, and prevent the children from being distracted by other activities in the room. Shelves to hold the blocks should adjoin the area. A short-napped rug reduces the inevitable clatter of falling blocks and also provides boundaries for the block play.
Next decide which block shapes and how many blocks to put out for the children to have access to. At the beginning of the year or when many new children are enrolled, it will work best to put out only a few shapes. Putting out the smaller shapes first will allow you to introduce the blocks and reinforce appropriate behaviour. Don't invite children to use long blocks as cricket bats by putting large ones out before children understand the limits! After the children become skilled and understand the guidelines, give them variety by adding more.
For organisational purposes, cut the shape of each block from adhesive paper and put the paper on the shelf where you want those blocks to go. This provides a visual clue for replacing the blocks and keeping the shelves orderly. Blocks should be placed on the shelves sorted by shape and size. You can also use catalogue pictures of the block shapes or construction paper shapes. Laminating these before use will make them last longer. If you simply pile the blocks on the shelves or in a box, you will be asking for problems and giving negative messages to children about caring for blocks.
You will also want to decide how many children can use the area at a time. Depending on space available and children's social skills, the area can be designated for two to five children. In most playrooms, three seems to provide good social interaction with minimal conflict. You may start with two or three children and later during the year as cooperative skills grow, allow four or five to use the area. Overcrowding will increase conflict; too few children limits social development opportunities.
Post a visual clue for the children, other carers, and substitutes to help everyone remember how many children may use the area at a time. A simple sign with a numeral or stick figure or smiley face symbols works well. Depending on the ages and abilities of the children, you might start with symbols, then use the numeral as children learn its meaning, and later use the number word when children are beginning to recognise some words.
Finally, decide what your limits will be. Keep them simple and positive. Lead the children to identify the limit at the time you introduce the blocks for the first time. Some suggestions are:

  • We build with blocks.

  • You may knock down only the tower you build.

  • You may build up to your chin.

  • We keep the blocks on the carpet (or in the block area)

Introducing Blocks

After you have the block area set up, hold a group meeting before the blocks are used for the first time. Let children feel them and talk about them. Ask about what they will do with the blocks and why they think they are neatly on shelves rather than just piled up. Help them discover what the Contact paper shapes represent. Spend as much time as possible letting the children become familiar with the blocks. Discuss guidelines for their use such as: "What would happen if the blocks are thrown?" "How do you feel when someone knocks down what you have built?" Lead the children to create a simple list of 'limits' for the block area. Assure them the blocks will be available a long time. Using a timer or another system, let every child who is interested spend some time in the block area the first day.
Supervise closely and regularly reinforce desirable behaviour those first few days. The goal is to give as many children as possible the opportunity to practice using the blocks appropriately. After they realise the blocks will always be there for them, there will be less competition to use the area.
After children have satisfied the initial desire to use blocks, then blocks can be added as one of the interest centre choices. Periodically, add more blocks and new shapes, introducing them in a similar manner. Post the agreed-upon guidelines as reminders to other carers and substitutes so adults will be consistent in expectations. The posted limits are good references for the children, too, and provide literacy experiences. Vary accessories according to your program.

Getting Children to Pack Up

Give Children Notice. Always forewarn children when it is almost time to pack up. About five minutes prior to the end of interest centre time, walk over to the area. Talk to children at their eye level - they will not hear an announcement to the total group since they will be very involved in building. An abrupt change promotes resistance; an advance notice helps children get ready to change activities and provides a smoother transition.
Sing a Song or Chant. You can make up your own song or chant to a familiar tune. Use a clue, such as a series of tones on a xylophone to signal clean-up time.
Start the Process Yourself. "I'll pick up one, and you pick up one;" "I'll get the long ones, and you get the short ones." Praise children's willingness to pack up, and make it a game. Remember, children are matching shapes and classifying during this time, so it is as valuable as any matching or classifying activity you had planned.
Use Tickets. Give children a ticket with a number or shape on it and let them pick up according to what is on the ticket. Some children like to count the blocks as they place them on the shelves. Some like to see how fast they can get them all up. Demonstrate by your actions and attitude that this is an important part of the block experiences.


Once you get started with blocks, you'll wonder how you ever got by without them. Use accessories to incorporate your block area based on individual observations.
So go get them out of the storeroom, out of that box pushed in the corner, and get going with blocks!

"If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could be better changed in ourselves"


Participant and Employer Feedback sheets:

As one of One World's valued consumers of training, we are very interested in your views. In order for us to improve our performance, we would appreciate your honest and constructive feedback regarding the training and service that we provide to you.
In the past we have sent out the surveys at various times throughout the year depending on participants'progress. To make this process easier we have implemented the following procedure:
Please assist us in this Quality Improvement measure by completing your survey as you receive it and by sending it back in the replied paid envelope.
We will also send you a reminder email that your assignment is due. You can then choose to complete and submit your feedback online. To complete and submit your feedback on line go to online/administration.htm
We thank you for your assistance.

Survey due to be sent out

Survey due to be sent out

Due to be collated


April 2003


June 2003




June 2003

PETP Participants

October 2003


December 2003

One World Staff

April 2003


June 2003

Safe Nappy Changing Procedures

Many communicable diseases such as E. coli; Hepatitis A; and hand, foot, and mouth syndrome can be spread through improper nappy changing procedures. As with washing hands, the procedures for changing nappies should be clearly posted with accompanying pictures for all carers to see. Given the number of steps, it would be easy for a carer to forget one or two. But for the health and safety of everyone involved, it is very important that all of the steps be followed. The recommended steps for changing a nappy are below.

Nappy Changing Procedures

1. Get all of the supplies that you need (nappy, wipes, latex gloves, clothes, etc.).
2. Wash your hands, following the recommended procedures, and put on latex gloves.
3. Pick the child up, holding him or her away from your clothing if you know he or she is soiled. Place the child on a table holding him or her in place. Never leave a child unattended. Always have at least one hand on the child at ALL TIMES.
4. Remove clothing. Bag soiled clothes and securely tie the plastic bag to send home. Open nappy and fold over the tabs so they do not stick to the child's skin.
5. Clean the child with baby wipes/face washer from front to back. Pay close attention to cleaning the folds of skin (e.g., around the legs).
6. Remove latex gloves by holding the soiled nappy in left hand and using the right hand to pull the left glove off your hand and over the nappy. Repeat with the right hand. This procedure helps to secure the germs inside the nappy and gloves. (Disposable nappies only)
7. Dispose of the nappy in a covered, lined, peddle bin, if it is possible to do so without leaving the child. If you cannot, place the nappy on the corner of the changing table out of the child's reach.
8. Put the clean nappy on and redress the child.
9. Assist the child in washing his or her hands. If the child is too young to wash his or her hands at the sink, you can wash the hands with either a baby wipe or wet, soapy face washer/paper towel. If you use soap, be sure to remove all soap from the child's hands. Return the child to the play area.
10. Dispose of all materials, if it wasn't possible to do so before now.
12. Wash your own hands thoroughly, then record the nappy change on the child's chart.


Awarding Excellence in the Community Services Industry

We are all busy people. We have already established that. We work in the children's services industry, we have homes and families and numerous other responsibilities, and we all in one way or another (or sometimes multiples of!) participate in lifelong learning. It is no wonder that we rarely find time to take a step back and to see things as they really are. For instance, we're going to suggest something in the next paragraph that you are most likely going to think 'They're not talking about me' and dismiss the rest of this article as not relevant. Let's test the theory.
We would like to invite you to 'tell your story' and be considered for an award from the Community Services and Health Industry Training Board.
Now, don't groan, and flick to the next page! We're serious. Think about it. Many of you training with us have been doing so for a number of years. You may have worked your way from a certificate to a diploma and be now working as a qualified team leader. You may have gained a qualification by developing a portfolio of evidence and undertaking a RCC process. You may have overcome hurdles to achieve success.
There is also an award category for employers who have demonstrated a clear commitment to training and deserve to be recognised for their contribution to the skilling of the industry. So if you are an employer, you may also like to think about 'telling your story'.
Here's some information that we found on the CSHITAB website that will give you a brief overview of the industry awards.
The Community Services and Health Industry Training Board awards excellence within the industry each year. Beyond the recognition of excellence the Awards encourage people to document and publicise good practice and high achievement.

The CSHITAB state that a good training system will be characterised by:

  • Outstanding Students

  • Innovative training strategies and products

  • Supportive employers who believe in the value of training

  • Creative and well-qualified teachers

The CS&H industry training awards seek to recognise high achievement in all areas that support and demonstrate the emergent learning culture in our industry. The four awards categories encompass: student achievement, organisational learning cultures, training products and services, and professional development for teachers and trainers.
The aim of the CSHITAB is to showcase excellence and provide all nominees with constructive feedback that will enable continuous improvement.

Employer Achievement in creating a learning Organisation

  • Open Category A community services and health industry organisation of any size can nominate for this Award

  • Small Business/Agency A community services and health industry organisation employing less than 100 effective full time positions is eligible to nominate for this Award.

Student Awards

  • New Apprentice/Trainee To be eligible for nomination, at the time of the awards the New Apprentice/Trainee will be undertaking/or will have completed their studies in an occupation in the community services and health industry within the last twelve months.

  • Vocational Student Nominations will be accepted from any person who has achieved, or is currently enrolled in a community services or health qualification in the Vocational Education and Training sector.

  • Lifelong Learner Nominations will be accepted from any person who has achieved, or is currently enrolled in a community services or health qualification in the Vocational Education and Training sector.

For further information or to submit an application online visit the Community Services & Health Industry Training Board website at www.intraining.org.au
The Victorian Department of Education and Training also have training awards. For further information regarding the Victorian state awards visit www.ette.vic.gov.au
We hope some of you do in fact put in an application, and wish you all the best if you do!

"If we allow children to show us what they can do rather than merely accepting what they usually do, I feel certain we would be in for a grand surprise"



Well, we've tried offering mystery resources, textbooks, and even in-service training as incentives for you to enter our competitions, but alas to no avail! Obviously not exciting enough to motivate you to enter - so we've come up with a prize that we're sure you're going to love! You do have to work for it though! To be entered in to win the prize, you have to post a comment in the Student Forum and sign our guestbook. But if you make the effort it will be worth it because you'll be in the running to win ...

A weekend for two at the Cumberland Lorne valued at $540.00!!

  • The Cumberland Lorne Indulgence Package Offer Includes:

  • Two night accommodation in a one bedroom garden apartment with private spa and balcony

  • A bottle of sparkling wine and chocolates on arrival

  • 3 course a la carte dinner for two on one night at Chris' restaurant

  • Fully Cooked 'Endless' Buffet breakfast served in Chris'Restaurant on both mornings

  • Use of Resort's recreational facilities

  • Car parking.

Now we've got your interest, please read on!

There's two parts to this competition. We decided that as long as we were giving away a weekend for two at the Cumberland Lorne, we could ask for two entries. Part 1 involves posting a comment on the Student Forum about either of the two topics highlighted here. Part 2 requires you to sign the Guestbook.

Student Forum Topic 1
Have we got it right? Have your say!

In this newsletter we have given you an overview of our online development over the past five years, and described to you what we have in mind for further development as we move towards 2004 and beyond.
However, we would like to know what you think about it all. Here's some questions to get you thinking:

  • Do you think you will use the homepage facility?

  • Will you use it to communicate with others?

  • Will you participate in online learning when given the option?

  • Do you feel confident to explore our website?

  • What are some of the barriers?

  • What are your thoughts about an online community of learners?


Student Forum Topic 2
A Chilling Truth About Childcare -What do you think?

Having read the above titled article (the Age 05.02.03) by Bettina Arndt on page 4 of this newsletter, now have your say. What do you think about the research findings and the conclusions being drawn about “joint attention experiences”? Do you share these views? Or does your own experience in childcare reflect something different?
Post your thoughts on either of the two topics on the Student Forum noticeboard in the Coffee Shop on our website and you will be in the running for a fantastic prize!


Sign our Guestbook

We really value your feedback and love to see our guestbook with lots of entries. So we thought we’d be a bit cheeky and make this competition a two stage competition. This means, that in addition to posting a comment in our forum, you will also need to sign our guestbook. Don’t forget now! You don’t want to miss out on your chance to WIN!

So, get on the website, post a comment and sign the guestbook, to be in the running for this fantastic prize or fax us your responses and we will post them for you. Good luck to everyone.

Competition closes Wednesday 30 April, 2003.


Who Are Our Staff?

Throughout your time with One World, you would have met a number of our training team. One World trainers have been selected to join the team based on their extensive industry knowledge and trainer/assessor skills. Staff are friendly and approachable and can relate to common issues surrounding the child care industry. One World is committed in supporting its staff in the continuation of further studies that enhance professional development.

Karyn Connors

Managing Director

24 years industry experience

- Advanced Diploma of Community Services
(Children's Services)
- Certificate IV in Workplace Training Category 2
- Supervision course for Field Supervisors
- Parenting Education Leadership training
- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care
-Current Studies: Diploma in Business (Marketing)

Susan Peters

Training Manager
Quality Manager
Equal Opportunity Officer
Equity and Access Officer
13 years industry experience currently Children's Centre Manager

- Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Children's Services)
- Certificate IV in Workplace Training Category 2
- Supervision course for Field Supervisors
- Certificate Parent Education Leadership Training
- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care

Carol Pundij

Web Maintenance Manager
Recognition of Current Competency Officer
Recognition of Prior Learning officer
12 years industry experience
currently Children's Centre Program Co ordinator

- Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Children's Services)
- RPL/RCC Assessor
- Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training
- Diploma of Community Services (Child Care)
- Advanced Certificate in Personnel
- Current Studies: Bachelor of Teaching -Early Childhood

Tammy Taylor

Traineeship/Youth Liaison Officer
14 years industry experience
currently Children's Centre OH&S Officer

- Certificate IV in Workplace Training Category 2
- Supervision course for Field Supervisors
- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care
- Current Studies: Diploma of Children's Story book writing &
Online Facilitation (teaching & communicating online.)

Sarsha Troy


10 years industry experience

- Certificate of Workplace Assessment
- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care
- Current Studies: Certificate IV in Workplace Training

Michelle McDonald

Recognition of Current Competency Assessor
Recognition of Prior Learning Assessor
PETP Liaison Officer
14 years industry experience

- Certificate IV in workplace training
- Positive Parenting Program
- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care
- Current Studies: Bachelor of Teaching -Early Childhood

Val Dunipace

8 years industry experience

- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care
- Certificate IV in workplace training
- Current Studies: Online Facilitation (teaching &
communicating online.)

Angela Hall

6 years industry experience

- Certificate IV in workplace training
- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care

Sue Bagg

8 years industry experience

- Certificate IV in workplace training
- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care
- Certificate in Office Admin

Kim Stewart

6 years industry experience

- Associate Diploma of Social Science in Child Care
- Certificate IV in workplace training

Snez Kotevski

Administration Officer
5 years industry experience

- Certificate 3 in Business (Office & Administration)
- Certificate 3 in Children's Services


A Place to Begin: Take a New Look at Your Playroom

If you want to create a beautiful environment for you and your children, take this simple survey of your playroom. Get down on the children's level and discover what they see. Take photographs to 'really see' the space.
1. When a child enters your playroom, do they see an attractive space?
2. Will the child find this place to be warm and homelike?
3. Are the children's materials grouped together based on how they are used?
4. What are the sounds of the playroom?
5. Can each child recognise who lives and works in this space?
6. Is children's work displayed in an attractive manner that can be appreciated by children, parents, and carers?
7. Are a variety of areas available: quiet, active, messy, and large or small group?
8. Is there a place to pause and reflect?
9. Is there a beautiful area or display that can be enjoyed?
10. Is there a carer who wants to create a wonderful space for children?


Our Trainees at Work and Play

Thank you to all the staff and management at Gilly's Early Learning Centre in Caulfield, Melbourne. Gilly's ELC have supported One World since 1999.
This photo features the Gilly's team presenting One World with a delicious basket of chocolates.



Staying Healthy In Child Care

The health and well-being of young children can be enhanced by providing a safe playroom environment that includes, but is not limited to, carers who follow universal infection control precautions. Following universal infection control precautions can greatly reduce the chances of children and carers in early childhood playrooms contracting communicable diseases. Once the basic health and safety needs of the children are met in the playroom, work can begin on meeting higher-order needs such as building trust and developing positive self-esteem

(Greenberg, 1991; Maslow, 1970).


Quota, quota, quota...

On the 27 March 2003, we finally received written notification from the Office of Training and Tertiary Education (OTTE) of our 2003 Traineeship Program quota. A quota allocation is in effect a purchase, and OTTE is the customer.
This year OTTE have purchased 112 traineeship places from One World. These 112 places were already taken in early January, and by the time we were finally notified of how many places we received out of the 190 we requested in October last year, we had 160 people on our waiting list.
Each and every one of the 160 people on our list was contacted in person to advise them as to whether or not we had a quota place for them. This was as you can imagine a difficult time for the training team.
It is regrettable that we are unable to accommodate the training needs of all those who were wishing to undertake a traineeship with our organisation, or to meet the needs of those of you who are planning to re-enter a new traineeship at a higher AQF level in the coming months.
We are extremely dissatisfied that this situation has arisen, however, as you can appreciate, we cannot demand our customer purchase more places than they wish. We have written to OTTE outlining our situation, and highlighting how their policies impact on you, our other equally important customer, and the children's services industry as a whole. We know this will not change things for this year, however, we are hopeful that it may have some influence on future funding allocations.
In the meantime, and for the best part of this year, we will only be able to offer training on a fee-for-service or a self-funded arrangement. Some employers may also be interested in pursuing School based traineeships. You can of course find another RTO who still may have funded traineeship places available, however if you would really prefer to undertake training with One World please contact us to discuss cost and options for easy payment. We think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Our sincere apologies to each individual that our shortage of Government funded traineeship places has effected. Whatever your choice, we wish you every success in your endeavours.